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Originally published in Manchester in 1907.
Batoche Books
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Kitchener, Ontario
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Table of Contents.
Preface. ................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter I: Introductory Remarks. ........................................................................... 6
Chapter II: Business Enterprise. ............................................................................. 8
Chapter III. The Establishment and the Scale of Industrial Concerns. ................ 30
Chapter IV. Integration and Subsidiary Work. .................................................... 41
Chapter V: The Establishment of Retail Stores by Manufacturers. ..................... 50
Chapter VI: The Control of Retail Prices by Manufacturers. .............................. 55
Chapter VII: The Manufacture and Marketing of Related Products. ................... 61
Chapter VIII. The Position of the Middleman. .................................................... 66
Chapter IX. Conclusion. ....................................................................................... 78
Notes. ................................................................................................................... 84
The Report which follows contains some of the general impressions which I gained
after travelling for about nine months in Canada and the United States of America.
Most of my time was spent in the large cities of the East, where I came in touch with
various members of the business community, and had frequent opportunities of
appreciating how close is the relationship between university and commercial life.
I made no attempt to investigate the conditions of any particular industry, but
devoted my attention to such points as seemed to lend themselves for inquiry. This
course was probably the most interesting and instructive at the time, but it has
rendered the writing of a report very difficult, as it has not been possible to make
many definite statements, or to enter into much detail.
All the gentlemen I met in Canada and the United States were so anxious to make
my stay on the other side of the Atlantic pleasant and instructive, that I cannot thank
them sufficiently for their thoughtfulness and for the trouble they took on my behalf.
My obligations are so numerous that I hardly venture to enumerate them, for fear of
omitting to make suitable acknowledgements to some of those who kindly helped me
in acquiring information, which has been used in writing this report, but I cannot let
this opportunity pass without thanking the following gentlemen for the assistance
they gave me:—Dr. Geo. E. Barnett, Baltimore; Mr. R. A. Batley, Montreal; Mr. W.
J. Battison, Boston; Mr. P. T. Cherington, Philadelphia; Mr. J. W. Clark, Newark;
Dr. E. D. Durand, Washington; Prof. J. H. Hollander, Baltimore; Dr. E. R. Johnson,
Philadelphia; Dr. E. S. Meade, Philadelphia; Dr. A. C. Muhse, Washington; Mr. W.
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 5
P. Neel, New York; Dr. C. P. Neill, Washington; Mr. L. G. Powers, Washington; Mr.
I. Putman, New York; Mr. H. Sheldon, Cleveland; Mr. R. B. Symington, New York;
Prof. F. W. Taussig, Cambridge, Mass; Mr. F. W. Taylor, Philadelphia; Mr. F. A.
Vanderlip, New York; and Mr. O. G. Villard, New York. Further, there remains the
pleasant duty of expressing my obligations to Professor Chapman, of the Manchester
University, for the constant advice and help which he gave me during my tenure of
the Gartside Scholarship and whilst preparing this report; and to my parents for
undertaking the correction of the proofs, whilst I was away from England on
The Report which follows is essentially intended for the general reader, and I have
sought to exclude all expressions of a technical character. It attempts to give a short
account of American business enterprise, and occasionally mention is made of
conditions in England for purposes of comparison. The whole is but a sketch at best,
and I trust that the reader will judge it as such.
D. K.
Chapter I: Introductory Remarks.
The subject of this Report is described on the title page as "American Business
Enterprise." It may be said to fall into two fairly well-defined parts—the first being
largely descriptive, the second analytical.
In the first part an account is given of some of the causes of the success of
American industrial and commercial undertakings, especial stress being laid on the
comparative equality of opportunities and the absence of class distinctions which
exist in the United States, and on the importance attached to higher commercial
education. A short reference is also made to the large part played in the modern
economic world by advertising, and attention is drawn to some of the principal
financial aspects of business enterprises.
In Chapter II and following chapters, an examination is made of the structure of
modern industrial and commercial undertakings. Very few businesses to-day can be
regarded as single enterprises; they are really aggregations of like, or unlike, units.
In the former case reduplication, and in the latter complex organisation, is the result.
Assuming for instance, that £25,000 are necessary for establishing a spinning mill
on a remunerative basis, £30,000 for a weaving shed, £30,000 for a bleaching,
dyeing, printing and finishing plant, and that a capital of £15,000 is required in order
to finance a cloth-selling department, then a capitalist with £100,000 might either
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 7
employ all his money in spinning alone, which would enable him to produce on a
scale four times larger than that necessary for remunerative production, or he might
employ his capital in a remunerative manner by spinning, weaving, bleaching,
dyeing, printing and finishing goods, and by undertaking their sale on his own
account. On the assumptions made, both these methods of employing his capital
would pay him, but this is something entirely different from saying which method
would pay him best. There are probably several ways in which a manufacturer can
employ capital profitably. The great problem for the large business man is to decide
in what direction he can best extend his activities. He may reduplicate his plant, or
he may undertake some new kind of work. Very likely the new work will be
incidental to the old undertaking : it may be an earlier, or a later, stage, in the course
of the production of the commodity manufactured, or it may be subsidiary to the
principal enterprise. On the other hand, the new departure may be in no way related
to the old undertaking, and the work may be merely similar, or the new product may
be such that it can easily be marketed with the old.
A favourite method of extending an industrial undertaking at the present time is by
the addition of a commercial department; in other words, the producer ceases to be
purely a manufacturer, and engages in the marketing of his products. All
manufacturers are obliged to dispose of their products, but frequently they content
themselves with selling their output in bulk to large dealers, which involves
comparatively little expense and trouble, and practically no capital. Occasionally,
however, they wish to come into closer touch with the consumer and to do away with
some of those persons who stand between them; in such cases they may be said to
market their own products, or to sell direct.
In Part II the various points raised above in connection with industrial organisation
are considered at some length; the scale of production; integration and subsidiary
work; the establishment of retail stores and the control of retail prices by
manufacturers; as well as the manufacture and the marketing of related products.
Towards the end there is a short discussion of the effect on middlemen, caused by
the direct selling of manufacturers.
Chapter II: Business Enterprise.
Some Causes of Commercial and Industrial Progress.
To understand fully the great growth in the scale of American industrial
undertakings and in the complexity of their organisation, it is necessary to have some
insight into the American attitude towards business. In England many of the most
able and best educated young men enter politics, the Home or Indian Civil Service,
the Church, the Army or the Navy. In the States, the men with the very best brains
go into business, which is regarded as practically the only suitable opening for talent.
Sometimes they become lawyers, but an American lawyer is essentially a business
man. In a word, to an American, business is the ideal career. He frequently regards
it as work and play at the same time; it is both his occupation and his hobby. His
office hours are usually no longer than those of an Englishman in a similar position,
though very probably the American is at work earlier in the morning. But on
reaching home in the evening he still thinks of business, and very possibly talks
about it to his wife and children. He seldom takes a holiday, and hardly ever retires
from business. On the one hand, the American business man is never satisfied that
he has earned enough money; and on the other, there is no place in the American
scheme of life for the rentier; besides, as he seldom has interests outside his
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 9
business, he would not know how to occupy himself if he retired. He generally dies
in harness, not infrequently at a comparatively early age, and a martyr to some form
of nervous disease, the result of the strenuous life he has led.
The object of the foregoing remarks is to help to explain the energy and boundless
ambition of the American business man. If an Englishman owns a business which
provides him with a comfortable living, he will probably make little attempt to
expand it, as any extension will be followed by increased responsibility and worry,
and these he wishes to avoid. Not so an American; his love of business, his love of
money, his love of mere bigness, all urge him to take every opportunity of increasing
the size of his undertaking. When one remembers, in addition, that to a large extent,
success in commerce or industry implies social distinction to a far higher degree in
America than in England, a good deal of light is thrown on the difference between
the English and the American attitude towards business. Mobility of labour,
comparative freedom from class distinctions, absence of the barriers which prevent
people from moving upwards in the scale of society, are other factors which have an
important bearing upon business enterprise in the United States. It would be a
mistake to say there are no class distinctions in America; that there are no social
barriers other than the absence of wealth. Intellect and good breeding count for a
great deal in the more exclusive circles of the large cities of the East, but the
members of such circles are hardly numerous enough to be regarded as constituting
a class by themselves. In the United States no one need consider any position as
absolutely beyond his reach; the fact that he is born in one sphere of life, is not a
reason for remaining in that sphere, as is so frequently the case in the old countries
of Europe.
At any given time there are classes from which particular kinds of labour are
obtained, but these are continually changing and moving upwards. At one time the
labourers who did the unskilled work in connection with the railroads and the streets
were Irish; later their place was taken by Germans and Scandinavians, and now the
work is done by Italians. It is almost impossible to induce an American-born white
citizen to enter into domestic service, chiefly because of the social inferiority thereby
implied. Such places, when not held by coloured people, are almost always filled
from the latest tide of European immigrants, at present by Hungarians. The native
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 10
American regards some kinds of factory work very much in the same way; English-
speaking girls prefer to work as stenographers, clerks, etc., also in times of prosperity
many parents do not wish their daughters to go out to work, and in any case not to
mills. The operatives in the Fall River and New Bedford cotton mills are largely
French Canadians and Portuguese. Scarcity of labour is forcing Newark textile
manufacturers to employ operatives of South European origin, which they do very
unwillingly, as these people have little aptitude for this class of work, and are
frequently injured. In a hat factory some of the work is very unpleasant and even
dangerous. Thus in preparing the felt, the skins have to be treated with nitrate of
mercury, which affects the health of the workmen. In the blowing department, where
the hairs are separated from the fur, the conditions are distinctly disagreeable, and
this is still more so in the sizing room, where the floor is flooded with hot water and
the atmosphere is full of steam. The work in these departments is performed almost
entirely by foreign-born labour.
As explained above, there are class distinctions of a kind in America. The native
American looks upon certain kinds of work as beneath him; on the other hand, he
feels that the best positions in the land are by no means beyond his reach. Several of
the Presidents have been of very humble birth and have filled the office with great
dignity. Similarly many railroad and industrial officers have risen from the ranks. In
business life in the United States there are no places ear-marked for the sons of the
upper classes, whether they possess the necessary capacities or not. In Europe a
working man, however great his ability, frequently feels he cannot rise above a
certain point, and instead of being fired by ambition and saving every possible penny
for his own and his children's education, as an American would do, he works merely
to retain the position he is in. Every American-born man feels he is equal to any
other, and seeks, by educating himself and his children, to rise in the social scale, and
if he does rise, his origin does not deter people from associating with him.
One of the most interesting aspects of the effort towards self-education is that class
of university students who work their way through college, not by means of
scholarships, but by manual and clerical labour performed during term time and in
the vacations. This class of student is particularly common at Brown University,
Providence, R.I., where many of the men earn free board and lodging, and
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 11
occasionally money, by doing work of a domestic character, whilst pursuing their
studies. Thus in the house where I stayed, one student waited at table (in ordinary
clothes) and another washed up the dishes. It often happens that students wait on
fellow students and on members of the University staff, yet nobody thinks any the
worse of them for that, which shows that the spirt of democracy and equality is well
spread out in the States. Frequently men, who have left school early, save all the
money they can in order to enter a University at the first opportunity. The desire for
higher education is certainly very great, and it is not only inspired by a general
longing to rise in the scale of society, but also by the knowledge that it will be of
direct pecuniary advantage in the long run.
Of recent years there has been in the United States a very considerable demand
among members of the commercial community for university men. Thisapplies
particularly to men with a technical training, but it is expected of them that they shall
be more than mere chemists, engineers, etc. Their education is to fit them for dealing
with men and managing businesses. With a view to this end they study economics,
generally of a very practical kind : the methods and policies of the large trusts, the
organisation of labour and its relation to industrial management, the modern
problems of industrial finance such as the advantages and disadvantages of issues of
common or preferred stocks or bonds (i.e., debentures), the reasons for making
improvements out of capital, or out of profits, a description of the negotiations for
underwriting a new issue of stock or bonds, etc. At the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology every student has to take at least one course in economics, and many
take more. At Harvard the Economics Department is the second largest department
in the University, and its courses are followed by more than fifteen hundred students;
and this is typical of what is happening at most of the institutions for higher
education all over the country.
The demand among business men for university graduates is not limited to those
with a technical training. Frequently those who have followed a purely academic
(i.e., Arts) course are preferred, the firm giving the men whatever special training
they may require. Railroads, insurance companies, brokers and banking houses are
among those who are anxious to employ college men. Along some lines the demands
are so great that the universities cannot supply sufficient graduates. Thus the New
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 12
York banking houses are anxious to obtain men with a good economic and stalistical
training to work in their investigation departments, which make very careful
inquiries before the firms enter upon any scheme for underwriting the new stock and
bond issue of any railroad or industrial concern.
In autumn, 1906, a new directory of living graduates and former students of
Princetown University was published. From this book figures have been compiled
which show that the American college graduate of to-day is more and more choosing
a business, rather than a professional, career. Exclusive of those graduating in 1906,
there were a year ago 7,190 living alumni of Princetown. Of the 6,522 classified
according to their occupation, 2,285 are in business, 1,498 in the law, 924 in the
ministry, 699 practising medicine, 433 teachers, 290 engineers, 104 journalists, 50
ranching and farming, 50 gentlemen of leisure, 41 students, 34 in the army, 31 in the
civil service, 26 architects, 19 chemists, 10 artists, 9 authors, 7 in the navy, 5
librarians 4 musicians and 4 dentists. When one remembers that the courses offered
by Princetown are of an essentially academic and non-technical character, some of
the above quoted figures are truly remarkable. On the one hand, a third of the
graduates are in business and nearly a quarter engaged in law; on the other hand, the
number of gentlemen of leisure and civil servants educated at Princetown is
practically a negligible quantity, and the same thing is no doubt true of the other
leading American Universities.
There are very many young Americans in business who have not enjoyed the
advantage of a university education, but who have attended evening classes in
various subjects. These courses are generally of a very practical kind as contrasted
with those offered by English Universities. As an example a description may be
given of a few of the evening lectures held in the New York University School of
Commerce, Accounts and Finance. In the class in Business Organisation and
Statistics, a study is made under the guidance of a trained accountant of the internal
management of a large business : the differentiation of the duties of the various
departments, the advantages of various methods of organisation as regards economy
and the preservation of goodwill, trade marks, local interests, etc. The course treats
of the organisation of corporations controlling different branches of industry, the
relation of one branch to the others, and the relation of each to the parent company.
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 13
In view of the complex character of modern commercial and industrial undertakings
in America, a course of study along the lines indicated can be of great advantage to
young men who are aspiring to managerial positions.
It does not require a very long stay in the United States to become convinced of the
very important part played by advertising in modern business systems, and this is
recognised by the university organising a class in this subject. The channels of trade
and the circulation of newspapers and magazines are discussed; the literature and
typography of advertising are treated, and the mechanical and accounting details
explained. Particular attention is given to financial and transportation advertising.
A course especially designed to be helpful to men going into insurance companies
and into banking and stock and bond houses, is that dealing with investment and
speculation. It aims at qualifying the student for that critical analysis of a security,
which is necessary to a sound estimate of its value. It treats of topics like the
following: the source of funds seeking investment; the nature and value of securities
issued by the Governments of the leading countries of the world; municipal bonds
and the conditions determining their legality; the various classes of securities issued
by street railways; why the bonds of industrial corporations are not popular; railroad
stocks and bonds. The advantages of different classes of bonds for the investor, as
well as for the corporation, are likewise considered. The course also treats of the
nature of speculation and describes the process by which it is carried on in stock and
produce markets. In the class on Corporation (i.e., Company) Finance a practical
study is made of the financial organisation and conduct of large corporations,
especially railroad and industrial combinations; in that on Re-organistaions and
Analyses of Reports, the annual reports over a series of years of each of several
railroad and industrial companies are analysed and compared with a view to showing
students how to verify their income statements and to form a judgment as to the
efficiency of their management. A study is made of several companies during
insolvency and re-organisation, showing what problems arise, how they are solved,
and as far as possible, from a study of conditions existing during and before
insolvency, how the particular solutions were arrived at.
Quite recently a course in practical salesmanship has been instituted at the New
York University. The official announcement says: 'Its one aim is to give the student
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 14
greater money-making, business-building and result-producing ability." It deals inter
alia with the personality of the salesman, his health, dress, expression, fluency of
speech, tact and enthusiasm, the study of the customer, how to attract, interest,
convince and persuade, how to frame selling arguments and to present them in the
most effective order; it treats of sales by letters, catalogues and advertisements; of
the laws governing sales; of selling organisations, and of selling methods and
One other subject to which a great deal of importance is attached in American
evening schools is accounting. At the New York University more than a dozen
courses are offered in this subject alone. Thus there are classes in accounting
practice, accounting procedure, theory and practice of cost accounts, philosophy of
accounts, auditing, accounting of executors and trustees, investment accounts, and
railroad accounts and statistics.
Some Manifestations of Business Enterprise.
Without dwelling any further on the importance of higher education, combined
with personal ambition and absence of class distinctions, in causing the extension of
business enterprise in the United States, I now wish to turn to another aspect of the
question and to consider one or two of the manifestations of American business
enterprise quite apart from the fact that similar manifestations are to be found in
Europe, though very possibly to a less extent.
In the first place, some mention must be made of the employment of labour-saving
devices in commerce. Chief amongst these the telephone should be named. The
importance of this electrical invention in the American business world cannot be
overestimated. It is to be found in almost every office and in most private houses.
Practically every one of the larger establishments has a switch-board of its own, in
connection with a private office system of telephones. All the more important men
have instruments standing on their desks, from which they can talk with any other
part of the office, or with any person who can be reached over the local, or long-
distance systems. In some towns they are competitive telephone companies, and it
is often necessary for business men to have two sets of instruments. In the small
room of the vice-president of an important New York bank, there were ten
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 15
telephones standing on two double and one single desk. The representative in New
York of a large European bank has his office on the nineteenth floor of a Broadway
building, and does practically all his business over the telephone. A Boston firm of
engineers, whose offices occupy three floors of a fairly large building, ultilise some
ninety desk telephones. These are merely examples of the use to which this
instrument is being put all over America. Its extensive employment is not due to
cheapness, for, on the contrary, the system is largely a monopoly and distinctly
expensive; it is to be attributed to the general recognition of its value as a labour-
saving device.
Other electrical appliances, which are frequently found in offices are tape machines
and similar arrangements for the immediate distribution of business and other news;
also a lever, or button, by which it is possible to call a messenger boy from one of
the large telegraph companies.
Another aspect of office labour-saving methods is afforded by the extensive use
of filing systems and card catalogues for indexing, account keeping and other
purposes. The great object is to save time in obtaining information, finding
documents, etc. It is partly for the same reason that the heads of a business frequently
have their desks near together in the general office, so as to be more accessible to
each other and to the employees of the firm. It also enables them to have a better
control over their staff. Another feature of the general effort to save time and labour
is the almost universal use made of stenographers by men holding the better
positions in commerce and industry. Everything that it is necessary for these men to
write is taken down in shorthand from their dictation, and is afterwards type-written,
and brought to them for signature. This is only another example of the general idea
so prevalent in America, that every man should employ as great a part of his time as
possible in performing the highest type of work of which he is capable, or, in other
words, that minute division of labour is as economical in commerce as in industry.
Whenever the economies of industrial combinations are discussed, emphasis is laid
on the saving thereby effected in the cost of advertising. Thus in the recent soap trust
libel action, it was mentioned that Lever Brothers had spent £2,000,000 in
advertising since their foundation some twenty years previously. There can be no
doubt that in America enormous sums are spent on advertisements, and that from the
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 16
point of view of society the money thus spent is practically wasted, because the
community as a whole can hardly be said to benefit by it, but from the point of view
of an individual, who has an article to sell, it is frequently essential to incur such an
outlay. The problems connected with advertising are far from simple, and to make
a success of it very expert knowledge is often required. With the great growth in the
production of goods bearing a trade-mark, or made up in distinctive packages, the
manufacturer is devoting more and more attention to advertising. He no longer
leaves it to the retailer to draw the attention of the public to his goods, but does so
himself by some scheme of advertising, the scope of which depends on the size and
nature of his market. If he has a mechanical device which he wishes to sell to
millowners, he will probably insert notices in technical papers. If, on the other hand,
he wishes to reach the general public throughout the country, such national organs
as the monthly magazines will very likely answer his purpose to some extent. The
great size of the United States renders the circulation of all daily papers little more
than local, so that by means of them it is possible to reach the public of a particular
district only. Consequently they are chiefly used for advertising of a local character.
The same is to a considerable extent true of the placards displayed in the tramcars
of small towns, whilst those in the cars of large cities frequently partake of a much
more national character. In passing, it may be mentioned that these placards,
generally some nine by eighteen inches in size, are often very artistic, the design and
colouring being well conceived and the printing well executed. Another fairly
favourite form of advertising well-known products, quite apart from local schemes,
is by means of large signboards along the routes of the main railroad lines. The
notices on these, as well as on the signboards in the cities, are generally hand-
painted, and not pasted on as in England.
In addition to the makers of proprietary articles there is one other class of people
who spend especially large sums on advertising, namely, the owners of department
stores. They generally insert daily announcements in the local papers, drawing
attention to a few special lines of goods being offered in different departments. Care
is taken to choose papers circulating among the class of people who are likely to buy
the particular articles advertised, and the choice of articles depends a good deal on
the weather. The American department stores are generally exceedingly pushing.
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 17
They frequently offer a few good bargains, which are well advertised in order to
attract people into the store, for it is part of their general policy to encourage the
public to pay a visit, quite apart from making purchases. With this object in view,
they do all they can to make the store attractive. Refreshment, resting and writing
rooms are provided; sometimes there is music, and at other times special displays of
goods. They do not appear to follow the English idea of having a general sale once
or twice a year. They prefer to have a kind of permanent sale, first in one department
and then in another. The cheaper class of stores frequently offer trading stamps,
also do other shops, or they establish some system of bonuses, premiums or prizes.
Sometimes it is the manufacturers who do this, sometimes the storekeepers. Smokers
could at one time collect both the tags attached to the packets of the goods of the
American Tobacco Company and the coupons given by the United Cigar Stores
Company, but now this duplication is being done away with.
Advertising is a very large subject in itself, of which no adequate idea can be given
in a couple of paragraphs. It is only mentioned on account of its great importance in
every modern scheme of business enterprise. Great skill and ingenuity are generally
required to lay out money to the best advantage in advertising, and Americans
frequently excel at devising new schemes and at organising campaigns. Some readers
may remember that the sale of the tenth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica,
which caused so much stir in England a few years ago, was managed by an
American. At the present time in the United States there is no absence of special
efforts to push business by cleverly arranged systems of advertising, but it is outside
the scope of this chapter to touch on advertising other than in a general way.
Industrial Finance.
If we turn to the financial aspect of business enterprise in America, the most
striking feature is the importance in the industrial world of the incorporated
company, or corporation, as it is generally called. This fact is well brought out by the
figures given on page 20, which are taken from the last United States Census of
Though roughly only one-quarter of the manufacturing
establishments of the United States are organised on a corporate basis, the value of
their product is about three-quarters of that produced by all the manufacturing
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 18
establishments taken together. Owing to some alteration in the definition of
manufacturing establishment, it is impossible to give comparative figures for 1900,
but there is little doubt that the importance of the incorporated company is on the
Individual. Firm. Company. Miscellaneous.‡ Total.
Number 114,000 48,000 51,000 3,000 216,000
Percent 52.7 22.2 23.6 1.5 100
Amount $966,000,000 1,189,000,000 10,510,000,000 21,000,000 12,686,000,000
Per cent 7.6 9.4 82.8 0.2 100
Wage-earners and wages:—
number 756,000 841,000 3,864,000 9,000 5,470,000
Percent 13.8 15.4 70.6 0.2 100
Wages $347,000,000 380,000,000 1,879,000,000 5,000,000 2,611,000,000
Per cent 13.3 14.5 72.0 0.2 100
Miscellaneous Expenses;—
Amount $147,000,000 199,000,000 1,106,000,000 3,000,000 1,455,000,000
Per cent 10.1 13.7 76.0 0.2 100
Cost of Materials used:—
Amount $879,000,000 1,202,000,000 6,382,000,000 41,000,000 8,504,000,000
Per cent 10.3 14.1 75.1 0.5 100
Value of Products:—
Amount $1,703,000,000 2,133,000,000 10,912,000,000 54,000,000 14,802,000,000
Percent 11.5 14.4 73.7 0.4 100
‡ Including Co-operative Associations.
In a general way the American corporation is similar to the English limited
company, but it is impossible to say anything very definite, as every State in the
Union is entitled to pass corporation laws, and according to the Federal Constitution,
a company incorporated in one State is authorised to carry on business in every other
State. Consequently there is a whole series of corporation laws in the United States,
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 19
some, such as those of New York State and Massachusetts, fairly strict, and others,
such as those of Maine, Delaware and New Jersey, distinctly complacent. When
promoters wish to incorporate a company they naturally choose a State where the
law is lax; but there are other points which they have to consider. The fees must not
be too high, it is desirable that the interpretation of the law should be quite clear,
which is most likely to be the case if all doubtful points have been decided by the
courts, as has largely happened in New Jersey; also corporations are generally
obliged to hold their annual meetings in the State of registration, and as New York
is the business and financial centre of many of the largest undertakings, the officers
and directors find it convenient to register in New Jersey, which is just across the
Hudson River from New York City. Thus several causes combine to make New
Jersey a favourite State for the purpose of registering corporations, and most of the
so-called trusts come under the laws of that State.
Although nothing very definite can be said about the differences between an
English company and an American corporation, apart from the fact that the laws
governing the former are much stricter than those governing the latter, I should like
to draw the reader's attention to one point before considering some of the causes
which have led to the great growth of the corporate form of business enterprise in
America. In England, the practical management of a company rests with the board
of directors, although there are many things which they are obliged to submit to the
shareholders for approval, including the declaration of an annual dividend.
Frequently the directors delegate some of their authority to a general manager or
secretary, but these officers are distinctly under the control of the board of directors.
In America, the entire management of a corporation rests with the executive officers,
the president, vice-presidents, secretary and treasurer; generally it is the president
who takes the leading part in the management of the concern, but in the case of
textile companies the treasurer is usually the most prominent officer. The executive
officers do more or less what they like, declare dividends and tell the shareholders
just as much, or as little, as they choose. In the case of some large concerns, such as
the Sugar Trust and the Standard Oil Company, very little information regarding
financial conditions is given, and no statements of earnings are issued to the
shareholders. In America the executive officers of a corporation appear to have more
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 20
power than the directors of a company in England, but it must be remembered that
whilst the latter have generally a very small sum invested in their company, and
consequently have little at stake, the former frequently have a very large, if not a
controlling, interest in the concern they manage, with the result that they are more
likely to bear in mind how much depends on the efficiency of their management.
In this connection mention may be made of an objection which is sometimes raised
in England to company management, viz., the possible disclosure of business secrets.
Under certain circumstances this may be a reasonable ground in the United Kingdom
for a firm to retain a partnership or individual organisation, but in the United States,
where a company is not compelled to make any annual returns with regard to its
financial position, and where the executive officers and directors can tell the
shareholders and the public whatever they think fit, this fear of divulging secrets is
not an obstacle which would prevent the incorporation of a private concern.
The position of the directors in American corporations is largely nominal. On this
point it is interesting to note the remarks of a large New York banker:
"The system of directorship in the great corporations of the City of New York is
such that a director has practically no power; he is considered in many instances, and
I may say in most instances, as a negligible quantity by the executive officers of the
society; he is asked for advice when it suits the executive officers, and if under the
prevailing system an executive officer wishes to do wrong, or wishes to conceal
anything from his directors, or commits irregularities, the director is entirely
powerless; he is only used in an advisory capacity, and can only judge of such things
as are submitted to him. Directors are of very little use except to comply with the
formal provisions of the law."
The reasons for the extension of the joint-stock or corporate form of management
are numerous. At the outset it may be noted that usually it is individual enterprises
or partnership concerns which are converted into corporations, and not new concerns
which are started as companies. In a general way the corporate organisation of
businesses permits of far greater aggregations of capital than is the case with private
firms and partnerships, and this alone is sufficient to explain the incorporation of
such undertakings as railroads, street railways, canals, etc. In many cases the
possibility of limiting the liability of participating capitalists induces firms to
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 21
incorporate. This applies especially to banking and insurance concerns, and to many
kinds of speculative undertakings. In England, where firms doing a financial
business are limited companies, there is generally a large amount of uncalled capital
which acts as a kind of guarantee to creditors that all money owing to them will be
paid. Thus bank and insurance shares in the United Kingdom are almost always only
partly paid up, but this is not the case in America, where such shares are regarded
unfavourably. Nevertheless somewhat similar conditions exist in the case of the
national banks in the United States, for, in case of winding up, shareholders in these
institutions are liable for an amount not exceeding the face value of the stock they
It is not only the large concerns which appreciate the advantages of limited
liability. Many small partnerships incorporate likewise, because they are thereby able
to escape the danger of dissolution due to the death or retirement of one of the
partners, and because a corporation is more stable than a partnership owing to the
interests of the different members being more easily re-adjusted in the former than
in the latter.
Another advantage which a company enjoys over a private concern is the
possibility of distributing its shares in such a way as to influence local opinion, or
even public opinion in general. Thus, for example, the stock of the United States
Steel Corporation is far more widely held than that of the Standard Oil Company,
and this has doubtless something to do with the fact that far fewer complaints are to
be heard about the management of the former than about that of the latter
corporation. Where the securities of a gas company or street railway are held locally,
especially by banks and savings banks, a very strong influence maybe exerted on
local sentiment, and the undertaking may escape public criticism in this way.
Something similar has very possibly happened in England in the case of breweries.
In America it is generally the so-called public service corporations which by a
careful local distribution of stock wish to escape criticism with regard to
mismanagement, but occasionally private concerns, which are frequently involved
in labour disputes, hope to reduce the hostility of the public, if not to obtain its
sympathy, by becoming corporations, thus seeking to identify the interests of the
public with those of the shareholders.
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 22
At the present time in America it is a very common thing for one man to be
associated with several concerns. On the one hand, he wishes to spread his
investments so as to reduce the chance of loss; and on the other, he may find it
desirable to be interested in several undertakings, as in this way a community of
interests may be established which is likely to be profitable to all concerned. For one
man to be connected with several businesses, it is essential that they should be
corporations with limited liability, as otherwise the failure of one firm would place
all the others in difficulties, or might even ruin them. It is very probable that the
tendency for men to become interested in several concerns is an effect more
frequently than a cause of the formation of companies. In those cases, however,
where an old establishment is extending its sphere of activity by means of a new
branch or department, it is very likely that the different parts will be organised as
separate corporations, so as to keep the identity of each of the two business entirely
apart, in any case as long as the newly-developed part is in an experimental stage.
Later the two companies may amalgamate, though this is not always the case.
Frequently large American corporations find it very convenient to carry on a large
part of their business by means of susidiary companies. These may have a very small
capital, and consequently offer little temptation to the taxation authorities. Again, if
a large corporation wishes to do any business, the legality of which is very doubtful,
it generally arranges that the actual breaches of the law shall be committed by a
small company with few assets, so that when a heavy fine is imposed, or an
aggrieved party is awarded large damages, there are no funds from which
compensation can be paid. The old subsidiary company is wound up and a new one
started instead, and the large corporation is practically as well off as it was before.
As examples, two kinds of cases may be mentioned. It is generally the subsidiary
companies of large trusts which fix prices and limit output in a way that is contrary
to the Federal, or State, anti-trust laws, and if their acts are declared illegal and they
are fined, they are simply wound up and their place is taken by a new subsidiary
company. In the automobile industry there are many patents the validity of which is
doubtful; whilst actions are pending in the courts, various small companies employ
these patents, knowing that they will be liable to heavy damages if the patents are
held to be valid. This contingency, however, does not disturb them very much, as
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 23
they keep their assets at the lowest possible point, and should damages be obtained
against them, they will immediately go into liquidation. In the meanwhile they are
reaping handsome profits.
One of the most important questions which arise in connection with the growing
tendency for businesses to be organised on a corporate basis, is the influence on the
efficiency of the management of such businesses. No one expects an English joint-
stock company to display great rapidity of action, or to show very much initiative,
as practically nothing can be done without reference to the directors, and possibly to
the shareholders, and the greater the size of the directorate, the greater the delay is
likely to be, as it is well known that large committees do not act quickly. In this
connection the distinction drawn between the English directors and the American
executive officers of a company is of importance. Generally speaking, the president
of an American corporation acts just as freely and energetically on behalf of his
company as he would on his own behalf. If he actually controls the corporation, of
which he is president, he will probably act entirely on his own responsibility; if not,
he may consult the other executive officers and even one or two of the largest
stockholders. But in any case all necessary changes will be made with the smallest
possible delay. There are so-called one-man companies in the United Kingdom, but,
generally speaking, they are looked upon with a certain amount of suspicion. This
is not at all the case in America, where it is quite customary for one man, or a small
group of men, to "control" a corporation, or, in other words, to own a majority of the
stock. Whenever this happens, the minority stockholders have practically nothing to
say in the management of the undertaking, and they appear quite contented that this
should be so, as they feel that the conduct of the business cannot be in better hands
than in those of the men who have the greatest amount at stake in its success.
In considering the subject of the control of large corporations by a single man, or
at most by a small group of men, and of the attitude of the general shareholders
towards the somewhat arbitrary management of such concerns by the executive
officers, it is necessary to bear in mind the nature of the capitalisation of such
corporations, and the distribution of their securities. Very frequently in America the
only securities of a large corporation which are originally offered to the public, are
the bonds (i.e., debentures) and the preferred stock. These frequently represent the
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 24
tangible and the intangible assets respectively of the undertaking, or, in other words,
the bonds stand for the material properties and goods owned by the concern, and the
preferred stock for goodwill, patents, etc. The common stock is water pure and
simple, which is used for the payment of commissions. It also comes in very useful
for the purpose of assisting some important stockholder to secure control of the
corporation, as large quantities of it can be obtained cheaply, if not for nothing. With
regard to the general security-holding public the following points may be noted:—As
long as the bondholders receive their interest regularly, they have no right to
interfere with the management of the concern. The preferred stockholders are entitled
to vote at the general meetings, but whilst they receive their full dividend, they take
little interest in the undertaking. In any case the stockholders are likely to bevery
much scattered throughout the country, which renders any concerted action on their
part almost impossible. The people who are most interested in the success of the
concern are the owners of the common stock, which is generally held in a few hands,
closely associated with the active management of the undertaking.
Above, some reference has ben made to the subject of stock watering in large
corporations. In this connection a clear distinction can be drawn between the United
Kingdom and the United States. Plenty of examples of over-capitalisation have
occurred on both sides of the Atlantic, and it is to the methods pursued and to the
consequences thereof, that attention may be drawn. In England the plant is over-
valued, an excessive sum is allowed for goodwill, etc., and the undertaking is
capitalised accordingly. The ordinary shares, which correspond to the American
common stock, are sold to the public at par, as well as the preferred shares and
debentures. The men who originally owned the concern retain a comparatively small
interest in it; they have been handsomely paid for their share in it, and they are
indifferent as to what happens to it in the future. No one man, or group of men acting
in unison, controls the company, and it is left to its fate, which probably means
debenture interest paid with difficulty, occasional default in the payment of preferred
dividends and no ordinary dividends at all. The general public who bought ordinary
shares at par, on the strength of the dividends promised in the prospectus, have
practically been swindled by the promoters. In America they do things a little
differently; they openly admit the common stock is water, and accordingly give it
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 25
away, chiefly to the promoters and underwriters as a reward for their services in
organising the corporation. It then becomes the interest of these men to manage the
company in such a way that the common stock shall come to have a value, and their
profits depend upon their success in doing so. In America, if a company has been
over-capitalised, the first and often the only people to lose are the promoters and
underwriters; in England the loss falls on those members of the general public who
bought the ordinary shares at par. Thus it would appear that when watering of stocks
occur, it is a much greater evil in this country than on the other side of the Atlantic;
but it must not be thought that the American system is free from abuses. It is subject
to one in particular, namely, if the common stock is to become a readily saleable
security, dividends must be paid on it, and there is a danger that money, which
should be used to meet depreciation and for building up a proper reserve fund, will
be distributed as dividends, in order prematurely to enhance the value of the common
stock, with a view to giving its holders a favourable opportunity of selling out with
the least possible delay. This applies especially to the underwriters who wish to free
their money and to realise their profits at the earliest opportunity.
A very important institution in America in connection with the financing of
industrial and commercial undertakings is the underwriting syndicate. It is only since
1900 that an English joint-stock company has been permitted to pay a commission
to bankers and others for underwriting an issue of its securities, but even now
companies do not appear to avail themselves very frequently of this permission.
When an issue is underwritten in England, it is still the company which seeks to sell
its securities to the public, and only if it fails to do so have the underwriters to take
them up; in other words, the underwriters content themselves with guaranteeing the
sale of debentures and shares. In the United States it is the underwriters, or, more
strictly speaking, the manager of the syndicate of underwriters, who arranges for the
actual sale of the securities. This is accounted for by the fact that the syndicate have
bought the securities in a lump at a specified price, and it becomes their business to
sell them to the public for the best figure they can obtain.
The need for the underwriting syndicate is explained in at least two ways. On the
one hand, the idea seems to exist that the credit of a company would receive a bad
shock should the public refuse to subscribe for securities offered directly to the
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 26
public by the company; on the other hand, the interests of undertakings issuing
securities often demand the immediate use of a large sum of money, to obtain which
they are prepared to sell the whole issue "en bloc" at a price considerably below that
which could be realised by a gradual sale. Consequently the securities are sold in a
lump to a bank or banking houses, who act as middlemen between the company
issuing securities and the public.
When the bond and stock market is unfavourable for the contracting of a long time
loan, the large railroads and industrial corporations, who need money, issue short
time notes. These are drawn up for certain specific values (say $500, $ 1,000, $5,000,
etc.), and bear interest at a fairly high rate. Sometimes the bills mature already after
six months, but often they are issued for two or three years. On a recent occasion the
Pennyslvania Railroad borrowed $50,000,000 in this way, the price being 98½, the
time 18 months, the interest 4½ per cent, coupons for which were attached. With
commission the bankers, who took up the loan, earned about 5 per cent on their
investment. In Spring, 1907, a New York banking house were advertising Southern
Railway three year 5 per cent gold notes at a price to net more than 6 per cent.
Before short time notes become due, the company issuing them hopes that financial
conditions will have so changed that it can sell its securities in the ordinary way, and
thus meet its temporary obligations. The customary manner in which a company
secures its short time notes is to deposit collateral, i.e., bonds and stocks which it
holds in other companies, with some firm or person acting as trustees.
Another kind of security which is sometimes issued by American corporations is
a convertible bond. These are bonds which are convertible into stock at a fixed ratio,
either before or at maturity. If the dividend earning capacity of the company is likely
to increase, this privilege tends to enhance the value of the bonds, and in any case it
adds a speculative element to an otherwise conservative investment. The
Pennsylvania Railroad bonds, which were sold in France a couple of years ago, were
of this class. In March, 1907, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company
issued $40,000,000 convertible 4 per cent gold bonds, the condition being that the
bonds are convertible at par, at the option of the holder, into common stock at $140
per share after March 1, 1909, and before March 1, 1918. If additional stock is
issued, or sold, at a price averaging less than $140 per share, bondholders will have
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 27
the benefit of a reduced conversion price. This is just an example of what is being
done to-day by many companies in the United States.
A further point raised by the growth of the corporate form of management is its
influence on employees. Occasionally it is stated that a particular private concern
was converted into a corporation in order to give its employees a direct interest in the
undertaking, but this appears to be the exception rather than the rule. As a general
thing, workpeople feel that a company does not take the same interest in their
welfare as a private concern would, and their work is likely to be of a slightly lower
quality in consequence. At the same time, it is very possible that the actual
conditions under which work is done are better when the undertakings are
incorporated than when they are not. This is partly explained by the fact that it is
mostly the larger concerns, equipped with all modern appliances, which are
incorporated, and partly by the efforts of the officers of large companies to overcome
by artificial means the absence of sympathy between employer and employee, which
is likely to exist in their case as compared with the more friendly feeling which
prevails in a private firm. There are many incorporated enterprises in America which
are striving to make conditions of employment as pleasant as possible for their
workpeople. There are several forms which their activity may take, such, for
example, as surrounding their buildings by pleasant gardens, having well-lighted and
airy workrooms, providing comfortable resting accommodation and all possible
sanitary conveniences. One of the most remarkable examples which came under my
personal observation was that of the Natural Food Products Company at Niagara
Falls, N.Y., and another interesting case was that of the Gorham Manufacturing
Company, at Elmwood, near Providence, R.I. Two concerns which are generally
referred to in this connection are the National Cash Register Company, of Dayton,
Ohio, and the Sears, Roebuck Company, of Chicago, Ill. Unfortunately, I was unable
to visit these two establishments, and had to content myself with studying the written
and printed material they kindly sent me.
Whilst nearly all the large business enterprises of America are organised on a
corporate basis, it is interesting to be able to quote the case of at least one very large
and rapidly expanding industrial undertaking which is organised as a partnership.
This firm is Burnham, Williams and Co., the proprietors of the Baldwin Locomotive
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 28
Works at Philadelphia. The business is continually being extended out of
accumulated profits, and at the present time employs some 20,000 men. The
members of the firm claim that the private form of management is more favourable
to their growth than the corporate form would be. The difficulty about the dissolution
of partnership at the death of a partner is overcome by a contract into which every
partner enters, whereby his heirs must sell his share to the remaining partners at the
current book value. Another very large Philadelphia firm which is organised as a
private partnership is John and James Dobson, who manufacture carpets and other
textile products.
In concluding these introductory remarks, which, under the heading of Business
Enterprise, have ranged, over a somewhat wide field, I should like to emphasise one
point which was mentioned early in the chapter. One of the most important reasons
for the success of America in the industrial and business world is the equality of
opportunity enjoyed by the inhabitants of that country. A very considerable force
working towards this end is the American educational system. In the North, which
is the industrial centre of the country, no degradation is attached to sending boys to
the Common Schools
(i.e., Public Elementary Schools), and thus rich men's sons
and poor men's sons learn to meet and to associate with each other as equals from
early boyhood, and this feeling seems to endure throughout life. It is certainly very
noticeable in the Universities, none of which can, in any way, be looked upon as
exclusive and aristocratic institutions, as compared with Oxford and Cambridge.
Both Harvard and Yale are distinctly democratic. The same thing can be noticed in
commerce, where a far greater feeling of equality and good fellowship exist between
employer and employee than is the case in England. As one American business man
remarked to me, this democratic spirit has more than its sentimental aspect; it can be
figured out in dollars and cents, as it causes the employees to work better.
It would be absurd to argue that the sole explanation of the success of American
business enterprise lies in equality of opportunity and absence of class distinctions,
but it cannot be denied that these are most important factors, and it would probably
be well if would-be reformers in the old countries of Europe paid more attention to
these points.
Chapter III. The Establishment and the Scale of
Industrial Concerns.
Whilst in almost every industry there are to be found large and small concerns, the
important point to determine is the unit of productive efficiency for the different
industries. It is also necessary to note whether a producer is able to restrict his
activities entirely to the manufacture of an article, or whether the undertaking of
other functions is essential to the success of the primary function. Thus in the case
of the manufacture of some specialities, it seems essential that a producer should
undertake commercial functions in addition to those of manufacturing, as in no other
way can he hope to sell his product. In this case the unit of efficient production is
likely to be comparatively large and complex. It is frequently difficult to determine
the real size of a manufacturing undertaking, as it may be organised, for financial or
other reasons, as two or more separate concerns. Consequently it is possible to
discuss the subject of the scale of industrial undertakings in a somewhat general
manner only. It is not my object here to seek to demonstrate that it is cheaper to
manufacture on a large scale than on a small one. In a general way I assume this to
be true. There are, however, two points to which I wish to draw attention. In the first
place, the economies to be derived from carrying on any particular process of
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 30
manufacture on an increasingly large scale, practically cease at a certain point, at
which, what may be described as a unit of efficient production, has been reached.
Beyond this point reduplication occurs. Further, it may be noted that the size of units
of efficient production vary in different industries. In the second place, large
concerns appear to consist of several like or unlike units of efficient production, and
it is especially with large undertakings which carry on several functions that this
report deals.
When the scale of production in any industry is increased, the producer looks for
certain economies in manufacturing, quite apart from the purchase of supplies at
cheaper rates, the greater utilisation of by-products, etc. There appear to be three
directions in which the producer can hope to economise; he may employ more
specialised machinery ; he may introduce greater division of labour; and he may
reduce the cost of fixed charges in proportion to the total value of the product. As
this report deals with practical conditions, the smallest concern which comes into
consideration is one which is equipped with sufficient machinery power and
specialised labour to be managed on a paying basis. In many cases smallish concerns
depend entirely on a local market. This is particularly true of subsidiary industries.
As long as the owners of many little plants are content to do a small and limited
business, they can earn a living, but as soon as they seek to enter the general market
they are hopelessly undersold. This is not necessarily because their actual cost of
manufacturing is higher than that of a large producer, though it very probably will
be slightly so, but largely because buying and selling, transportation and subsidiary
work cost the big producer far less than they cost the small one. In some industries
local markets can hardly be said to exist, as, for example, in the case of textiles. In
spite of this, if there is comparatively little scope for highly specialised machinery
and elaborate division of labour, a fairly small factory may be able to pay its way,
even though it would be more economical to manufacture on a larger scale. This
contention appears to be supported by the many small cotton mills in the Southern
States. It should be added, however, that the system of selling through commission
houses facilitates the existence of small mills.
On the other hand, in industries in which elaborate and expensive machinery is
required, if production is to be conducted economically, there is no place for the
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 31
small concern. This is particularly true of the iron and steel industries. The minimum
capital expenditure for the equipment of blast furnaces is high, but in addition to this
a very large outlay can be incurred in providing mechanical facilities for the handling
of the heavy raw material and finished products. Some of these mechanical facilities
are essential, and others are undoubtedly economical, though it may be possible to
establish a plant on a paying basis without them.
The position with regard to highly-skilled labour is somewhat similar. In some
cases it is only possible to produce cheaply if the division of labour is very
considerable. Thus, in the department of a large meat packing house where the
animals are slaughtered, division of labour is carried to a great extreme, each man
in turn performing one single operation on the animals, frequently not more than a
single cut. A similar policy is followed by the large agricultural implement makers.
In the boot and shoe industry there is both highly-specialised machinery and
considerable division of labour, but the fact that much of the machinery can be
leased from the United Shoe Machinery Company for a rent of so much per pair of
shoes made, enables the small manufacturer to produce under conditions almost as
favourable as the large one.
The savings to be effected in fixed charges owing to an increase in the scale of
production are by no means negligible, though hardly sufficient by themselves to
render production in a well-equipped, though small, factory unremunerative. It is
chiefly in the cost of buildings, power and superintendence that the large producer
can hope to save, but even these economies appear to cease at a certain point, and
frequently a firm will build and equip two or three moderate-sized mills rather than
one very large one.
The only figures which can be quoted to illustrate the scale of different industries
are those given in the United States Census of Manufactures to demonstrate the
tendency towards concentration into large establishments. The table quoted on page
41 gives for sixteen different industries—(a) the average capital per establishment;
(b) the number of wage-earners; (c) the amount paid in wages; (d) the value of the
product; and in this way it roughly indicates the scale of production in different
industries. The figures fail to give a very accurate impression of the size of single
undertakings in the various industries, as the small establishments are included with
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 32
the large ones in making up the averages, and many nominally separate
establishments may be controlled by the same people, and should be treated as one
for all practical purposes. Although the figures do not indicate well the actual size
of the individual establishments, they do show the comparative scale of production
in the different industries. Thus in the iron and steel industry the undertakings appear
to be larger than any other industry, which confirms the impression one receives
from a general observation of actual conditions. Farther, the scale of production in
the worsted industry is much bigger than is the case with wool, which fact can also
be ascertained by personal inquiry. It appears to be largely accounted for by the more
elaborate and expensive machinery required for the equipment of worsted mills.
Besides there is said to be a greater demand for worsted goods, the marketing of
which is consequently facilitated, and this would tend to encourage the growth of
worsted undertakings, as compared with woollen mills. Similar conditions may be
observed in Yorkshire, where the scale of production in the worsted industry is much
larger than in the woollen industry.
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 33
Average per Establishment
Industries. Year. Number Capital. $ Wage Earners
of Average Wages.$ Products. $
Establish- Number.
Agricultural implements 1900 715 220,571 65 31,400 141,549
1890 910 159,686 43 19,898 89,310
1880 1,943 31,966 20 7,905 35,327
Boots and shoes (factory 1900 1,600 63,622 89 36,985 163,143
product) 1890 2,082 45,765 64 29,139 105,980
1880 1,959 21,947 57 21,951 84,763
Carpets and Rugs (other 1900 133 334,205 214 83,619 362,349
than rags) 1890 173 220,860 166 64,291 276,128
1880 195 110,095 104 35,052 163,040
Cotton Goods 1900 1,055 442,882 287 80,170 321,517
1890 905 391,183 242 72,905 296,112
1880 1,005 218,412 185 45,387 209,901
Glass 1900 355 173,025 149 76,295 159,267
1890 294 139,343 153 71,041 139,629
1880 211 94,051 115 43,337 100,259
Hosiery and knit goods 1900 921 88,882 91 26,448 103,673
1890 796 63,578 75 20,827 84,474
1880 359 43,397 80 18,667 81,246
Iron and Steel 1900 668 858,371 333 180,869 1,203,545
1890 699 591,085 250 136,652 683,124
1880 699 294,692 197 78,020 418,583
Leather, tanned, curried 1900 1,306 133,214 40 17,298 156,231
and finished 1890 1,787 54,890 24 11,891 96,327
1880 5,628 13,039 7 2,932 35,584
Liquors, malt 1900 1,509 275,205 26 17,115 157,236
1890 1,248 186,275 24 16,597 146,420
1880 2,191 41,629 12 5,567 46,124
Paper and Woodpulp. 1900 763 219,538 65 27,191 166,876
1890 649 138,412 48 20,346 121,629
1880 742 64,878 35 12,089 77,314
Shipbuilding. 1900 1,116 69,321 42 22,257 66,826
1890 1,006 27,100 22 13,006 37,838
1880 2,188 9,589 10 5,811 16,819
Silk and silk goods 1900 483 167,872 135 43,441 222,063
1890 472 108,067 105 37,632 184,954
1880 382 50,066 82 23,944 107,416
Slaughtering and meat 1900 1,134 168,172 61 29,915 696,872
packing 1890 1,367 86,332 33 18,046 413,070
1880 872 56,673 31 12,051 348,122
Tobacco, chewing, smok- 1900 437 100.358 67 16,270 237,424
ing and snuff 1890 395 78,079 75 17,588 166,693
1880 477 36,074 69 13,457 110,677
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 34
Woollen goods 1900 1,035 120,180 67 23,920 114,425
1890 1,311 99,916 59 19,938 101,890
1880 1,990 48,289 43 12,983 80,707
Worsted goods 1900 186 710,581 306 108,025 646,851
1890 143 476,120 301 104,510 553,809
1860 76 268,080 247 74,777 441,447
Twelfth Census of the United States, vol. vii, p. lxxii.
In almost every class of industry there are large and small concerns, and the
important point to determine is in what way they differ from each other. Generally
large concerns consist of a combination of small undertakings, either similar or
dissimilar. Thus a large cotton spinning mill with 100,000 spindles is practically the
equivalent of two mills with 50,000 spindles each. In this case the large concern is
merely reduplicating the functions of a small concern, and if the latter is conducted
on a scale which permits of efficient and profitable production, any small savings the
former may effect by increasing the scale of production, will probably be
counteracted by loss occasioned through less close personal supervision. On the
other hand, a large meat packing factory is not a mere compilation of small meat
packing factories. The former itself performs several functions which the latter has
to have done for it. Thus the big packer does a great deal of his own preliminary
subsidiary work; recovers sufficient by-products to make it worth his while to
manufacture them into finished articles, and establishes an elaborate system for the
distribution of his products. Frequently when a manufacturer increases the size of his
plant, there appears to be a tendency for him to undertake new functions. In this way
he hopes the work will be done better, or more cheaply, or both. When his scale of
manufacturing is such that an increased performance of one function is not likely to
lead to a more than nominal increase of profits, the producer is likely to turn his
energies in other directions, and in particular to undertake commercial functions, as
it is almost always possible to effect economies along these lines, if the manufacturer
produces on a sufficiently large scale. On the one hand, he hopes to reduce the cost
of selling, and on the other, to secure a safer hold on the market, which may lead to
a quasi-monopoly. This is only practicable when the goods bear a trade mark or are
made up in easily distinguishable packages, and are always sold under a particular
name. If the manufacturer obtains a fairly secure hold on the market, he may be able
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 35
to keep up prices, should the cost of production fall, or even raise them, if he cannot
increase his profits in any other way. This latter expedient, however, is a somewhat
risky proceeding and may lead to a revulsion of public feeling,
such as broke up the
English soap trust after it had existed three weeks in the autumn of 1906.
It will not pay a manufacturer to do his own marketing unless he produces on a
fairly large scale, as otherwise the cost of selling his product will be too great. But
once it does become remunerative to sell direct, the proportionate cost of selling
goods becomes less and less the more he sells, and for a time the saving is very
considerable, as, up to a certain point, the expenses of the selling department are
practically stationary. Consequently for a time the line of expansion of any
manufacturer, who has recently established a selling department of his own, is fairly
clearly fixed; he will reduplicate his plant in order to increase his output and thereby
avail himself of the opportunity of rapidly reducing the cost of selling. After a time
the saving in this direction will be merely nominal, and the manufacturer will seek
a new field for expansion.
When a manufacturer undertakes a new function, it is not necessarily so closely
related to the original function as when he engages in the direct sale of an article
which he produces, or does his own preparatory work, etc. Sometimes he
commences to manufacture an entirely new product, either because the demand for
the original product is limited, or in order to secure a steadier market, which will be
more and more the case the greater the quantity of articles he manufactures.
Occasionally he wishes to utilise to the utmost a valuable name which he may
possess. After a name has become associated with a commodity, this name in itself
will enable large quantities of one or more other commodities to be sold with
comparative ease, and probably little expense need be incurred in adapting the
existing marketing system to the new conditions.
One aspect of the scale of business which is well worthy of separate consideration
is that of retail marketing. From an economic point of view, the lowest type of shop
is probably the country store, where small quantities of a large variety of goods are
exposed for sale. In a higher stage of development, specialisation has taken place,
and there are to be found stores of the same size as formerly, but carrying only one
comparatively complete line of goods instead of numerous partial lines. As far as
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 36
large retail undertakings are concerned, it is possible to distinguish three distinct and
different types. The undertaking may be located in one big building and handle one
line of goods on a very large scale. Or again, a concern whilst handling one line of
goods on a very large scale, may sell from numerous small buildings, that is, it may
establish a chain of shops; such undertakings are sometimes described as "multiple
stores." Lastly, a firm may engage in business on a very large scale from one
building, but may carry several lines of goods, and then it is what is known as a
"department store."
Roughly speaking, commodities for domestic consumption can be divided into two
classes—those which the consumer will seek and those which must seek the
consumer. The former are generally expensive articles, which are bought only after
careful consideration, and these consequently can all be sold by a few stores situated
in the shopping districts of large towns. Such are jewellery, books, furniture and
articles of clothing. The latter are of a kind that people will not go far out of their
way to buy; as soon as they have recognised the need for such an article they will
seek to satisfy their demand in the immediate vicinity of the place where they happen
to be. Such articles are tea, coffee, sugar and all the common and cheaper groceries.
In Philadelphia alone there are at least three chains of grocery stores : the Acme Tea
Co., Robinson and Crawford, and the William Butler Company, and similar chains
are to be found in most of the large cities. Occasionally these stores deal in tea and
coffee only, but generally they carry a full line of groceries. Where a firm carries a
very fine line of grocery goods, it seldom has more than three shops, and frequently
only one or two. In this case the customers are comparatively wealthy, and they are
likely to lay in supplies from a central store for some time ahead, and thus be under
no obligation to buy from a local shop at the moment when they require an article.
Other classes of stores providing commodities, which must be taken to the
consumers, are those selling drugs, candy, tobacco, vegetables and meat. Shops of
this kind are found scattered throughout the residential parts of towns, so as to be
close to the consumers, although in the case of tobacco they are also established in
the business quarters of a city, so to be conveniently situated for the commercial
community. This is particularly true in America of the cigar department of the
tobacco trade, as can be clearly seen by observing the situation of the branches of the
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 37
United Cigar Stores Company.
Two products, which are sold partly in small local shops and partly in large central
stores, are hats, and boots and shoes. Most commodities are sold in both ways, but
not to any such marked degree as is the case with these two articles. They seem to
be very much on the border line between the commodities which the consumer will
seek and those which must seek the consumer. Whilst a business conducted in a
chain of small shops may be as large and employ as much capital as one carried on
in a single central store, the latter makes a much bigger impression. Both enjoy the
same advantages of large scale purchases, but the expenses of management may be
a little higher in the first case; on the other hand, the cost of rent is likely to be a little
less, as well as the cost of advertising. There is very little to choose between the two
systems, and each is best in its own sphere; but it is the department store which has
undergone the largest development in America. There are some large central stores
handling one line of goods only, especially jewellery and books, but these are very
few in comparison with the department stores, which are huge emporiums devoted
chiefly to articles of domestic and office furniture, and to men, women and children's
dress. In addition, many of the large houses handle goods used for sports, automobile
accessories, books, china, clocks and watches, cutlery, jewellery, perfumes and
soaps, photographic supplies, pictures, silverware, stationery and trunks.
Occasionally a department store develops into a universal provider, and sells meat,
groceries, vegetables, etc., but usually these are not very high-class establishments.
The first department store was probably that of the Bon Marché at Paris, and it was
from there that the Americans obtained the idea.
These stores are aggregations of
complete shops, and offer opportunities for economy and convenience. They seek,
by having a small margin, to have a large turnover. It is their policy to try to inspire
the public with confidence that the prices and the quality of the goods sold are all
right. They practically guarantee an article to be what it claims to be, and if the
purchaser has any reason to be dissatisfied he can change it, or have his money back.
When a person buys from a first-class department store he feels he is obtaining a
good sound article at the lowest price compatible with the quality desired. On the
other hand, the lower class department stores buy up bankrupt stocks and sell the
things off cheap, so that anyone understanding something about the particular line
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 38
of goods may pick up a bargain.
With regard to the economies of department stores, it is doubtful, in the case of
many articles, whether they can buy any more cheaply than a moderate-sized store
carrying a single line of goods, but their delivery system should be distinctly less
expensive owing to the large scale on which it is established. The turnover of any
department in a department store should be greater than that of an individual concern
of the same size, partly because the former is likely to receive more orders by post
than the latter, and partly because the other departments will assist to attract
customers, each department helping to advertise the others. Most of the large
department stores give credit even if only in a limited way, so that they cannot claim
the economies derived from dealing solely on cash terms. It is also probable that the
somewhat elaborate system of management established in connection with many
department stores, must prove more expensive than the simpler methods pursued by
a smaller shop. In a general way, I should be inclined to say that it is the
convenience, rather than the cheapness, of a large department store which induces
people to buy there.
One of the great tendencies of industrial organisation in the nineteenth century was
specialisation. This does not necessarily imply that a manufacturer devoted himself
solely to one process, but rather to producing a narrow range of commodities, in
connection with which he did either some, or all, of the work. Thus originally in an
engineering works every kind of machinery was made. Gradually separate plants
were established for the production of steam engines, of textile machinery, of
locomotives, of machine tools, etc. Recent years have seen a coming together again
of the different classes of works. The organisation of many large engineering
establishments is now almost as complex as was that of their predecessors one
hundred years ago, but with one great difference. Formerly there was an absence of
all specialisation; to-day there is a recognition of the limitations of specialisation. It
is true that these limitations are comparative rather than absolute, and that they apply
to some industries more than to others. Frequently it might pay a manufacturer to
reduplicate his plant and to increase the scale upon which he is performing the
processes that he already undertakes, but he does not do so because he decides it
would pay him better still to do some entirely new work. One of the objects of this
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 39
report is to point out what this new work is likely to be. One great aim of modern
manufacturers is to obtain some kind of a monopoly. If they can secure this, their
position is safer and their profits will probably be larger. If the manufacturer carries
on business on a very large scale, he may seek to obtain national or international
control of some product, but with such attempts this report is not concerned; it
merely touches on this question in so far as manufacturers try to control the retail
prices of their products.
Chapter IV. Integration and Subsidiary Work.
It is probably safe to assume that every large system of manufacturing consists of
several processes, and involves a good deal of subsidiary work. Sometimes a
producer contents himself with carrying out a single process; thus there are many
small concerns which only weave, other parties buying the yarns and selling the
cloths. On the other hand, many large manufacturers undertake several processes and
do a good deal of their own subsidiary work. This latter may be of two different
kinds; either it may consist of building machinery to perform a particular process,
of making boxes in which to pack the finished product, of printing labels for the
boxes, etc., or it may consist of utilising by-products such as the meat-packers'
surplus fats for the manufacture of soap.
By integral processes are understood the various stages of manufacture which
directly follow each other, as the raw material is converted into the finished product.
Thus where spinning, weaving and finishing are carried on in one mill integration
occurs. The same is true where a manufacturer markets his own products, but owing
to the importance of this aspect of integration in America, the subject is dealt with
in a separate chapter. Here an attempt is made to consider some of the causes which
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 41
lead to integration, also some of its limits, and in this connection the strength of the
opposite force, differentiation, will be discussed; in addition some mention will be
made of the financial and labour aspects of integration. Finally, the subject of
subsidiary work will be considered.
In a general way, integration and the undertaking of subsidiary work by the
manufacturer enable more capital to be employed without increasing the amount of
the finished product to be marketed. In the case of a speciality, where the cost of
marketing is very high, this alone is an important consideration. It also enables the
charges of some middlemen to be saved, and thereby tends to reduce the cost of
production. In several cases, special reasons may be discovered which have led to
the increased integration of an industry. Probably the most important is the limitation
of supplies of raw material. The best illustrations of this are the iron and steel
making industry, and the paper making industry. The supplies of iron ore are by no
means exhaustless, and a large producer of iron and steel clearly recognises the
advantages of controlling his own supplies of raw material. The United States Steel
Corporation has pursued this policy to a very high degree. It owns, or leases,
enormous ore deposits on Lake Superior, and controls a fleet of special lake steamers
and railroad tracks for the purpose of transporting this ore from the mines to furnaces
on the Lake shores and at Pittsburg.
In addition it owns coal-fields and a large coking plant at Connellsville. Practically
all the Alabama iron producers own their supplies of iron-ore, coal, and limestone,
the three products which go to make pig-iron ; but the Southern producers possess
the advantage over the Northern ones, that iron, coal and limestone are found
practically next to each other, which does away with the necessity for any special
transportation facilities. It may be noted in passing, that the same tendency to
integration has been at work in the British iron and steel industry.
In the case of paper, the International Paper Company owns large spruce forests
in Canada, and has also established its own wood pulp mills. Nevertheless the
company buy a good deal of wood, as they desire to save their own forests as much
as possible. They also ship some of their wood as lumber to England, because this
pays them better than cutting it up and converting it into wood pulp.
Various chocolate manufacturers in the United States, as also in the United
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 42
Kingdom, draw some of their supplies of cocoa from their own plantations. Several
American soap manufacturers have established cottonseed oil mills in the Southern
States, whilst Messrs. Lever Brothers, of Port Sunlight, in order to secure a future
supply of raw materials, have cleared 2,600 acres in the Pacific Islands, and have
planted 1,500 acres with cocoanut trees which will yield produce in seven years.
Another reason for the integration of an industry is the opening up of a new field.
When a manufacturer first commences the production of a particular product in a
new district, he is either obliged to do all his own work, or obtain some assistance
from outside. Frequently the latter course would be very inconvenient, and the
manufacturer prefers to be self-supporting as far as possible. This probably accounts
to a very large exten for the considerable degree of integration found in the American
textile industries. Formerly when a firm wished to manufacture cotton or woollen
goods, they were obliged to do all their own work, as they could not rely on getting
it done elsewhere. Thus the cotton manufacturer would spin, weave and finish his
own goods, and this is very frequently still the case to-day, although the finishing
processes are often undertaken by separate concerns, as is shown by the following
table quoted from the United States Twelfth Census of Manufacturers.
It will be noticed that as far as yarn is concerned, all bleaching is done in
independent establishments, but some three quarters of the dyeing and mercerizing
is performed in the cotton mills. In the case of cotton cloth the position is almost
entirely reversed, and about four fifths of the bleaching, dyeing, printing and
mercerizing is undertaken in independent establishments.
When the older Philadelphia worsted factories were established they were obliged
to comb, spin, weave and finish, as there were no facilities for having any of these
different processes performed elsewhere. At the present time there are several firms
which comb and spin, and others which weave, and of these latter some generally do
their own dyeing and finishing, but not always. In the New England States there are
three or four mills which only comb. Large manufacturers, who carry on all the
processes, are not always able to supply their looms, and consequently buy tops and
yarn in the market. The woollen factories are usually equipped with their own
carding and spinning machinery and looms, so that they are able to do all their own
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 43
A third cause of integration is the superior quality of the material required. This
probably explains why the makers of certain very fine textile goods do all their own
preliminary work, though one can never be sure that it is not caused by the difficulty
of obtaining the class of yarn required, or through old established custom. Thus for
example, while the J. & P. Coats establishments in America spin all the yarn they
require for the manufacture of sewing cotton, the British mills of the same firm buy
large quantities of fine yarn. A good example of a large establishment which does
its own preliminary work, in order to obtain a fine class of material for the principal
processes, is the J. B. Stetson Company of Philadelphia. This firm makes fine lines
of hats, and in order to obtain sufficient supplies of felt of a good quality, it prepares
all that it requires from skins which it buys.
Quantity, Value, Quantity, Value Quantity, Value
(000 omitted. )
lbs. $ lbs. $
Bleached — — 12,700 250 12,700 250
Dyed 151,600 5,460 54,100 2,220 205,700 7,680
Mercerized 2,100 320 900 160 3,000 480
Total Yarn treated 153,700 5,780 67,700 2,630 221,400 8,410
sq. yds. $ sq. yds. $ sq. yds. $
Bleached 197,000 1,000 965,000 6,600 1,163,000 7,600
Dyed 126,000 1,300 559,000 7,600 685.000 8,900
Printed 293,000 5,200 940,000 16,000 1,233,000 21,200
Mercerized — — 8,000 400 8,000 400
Total Cloth treated 616,000 7,500 2,472,000 30,600 3,089,000 38,100
Total value 13,280 33,230 46,510
Occasionally direct economies may be derived from the integration of processes;
thus there are distinct advantages in a steel plant being equipped with its own blast
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 44
furnaces. In the first place the steel manufacturer has greater control over the iron
which he himself has smelted from the ore, and secondly there is a saving of a large
amount of heat energy which would be lost were cold iron to be used in preparing
With regard to the limits of integration, it does not appear possible to say anything
very definite. An important consideration is the variety of the raw material to be
used. Thus manufacturers of fancy cotton goods generally buy their yarns; they
require small quantities of several kinds of yarn, which fact alone would suffice to
prevent them from doing their own spinning, but further the sale of their goods
largely depends on fashion. If they get an order, they require the yarn immediately
to fill it. As they get a good price for their product, they do not mind paying a little
more for the yarn, providing they can obtain it at once.
Occasionally a manufacturer finds it more profitable to increase his works along
the line of his principal product, rather than to undertake new functions. Thus, it
might be expected that the Baldwin Locomotive Works, which use a very large
quantity of steel, would enter into the iron and steel business; but on the contrary,
they continue to buy the steel they require, and keep on increasing their output of
locomotives. A large firm of carpet manufacturers, like John and James Dobson of
Philadelphia, buy the raw wool direct and spin the worsted yarns which they require
for the manufacture of their carpets. On the other hand they buy all their jute yarn,
and have never attempted to make it themselves. Probably this is because they
consider that it pays them better to expand along other lines, especially as jute
spinning would be an entirely new kind of undertaking about which they might
understand very little.
In some cases a manufacturer can apparently produce more efficiently if he limits
himself to one or two processes. In other words, differentiation is sometimes more
economical than integration. There would seem to be a gradual tendency in the
American textile industries towards differentiation, and this has probably been
carried furthest in the neighbourhood of Philadelphia. There are now in the States a
good many concerns which merely spin, or merely weave, but it is still largely
customary for the manufacturers of cotton sheetings and greycloths to spin their own
yarns. This is no doubt due to the limited quantity of yarn to be bought, which leads
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 45
the manufacturers to fear that at any moment it may be impossible to obtain
American yarns, and the high duty almost prohibits the importation of coarse yarns.
There are, however, in the New England States several mills devoted entirely to
spinning cotton yarn, and some of these have united to form the New England Cotton
Yarn Company. One thing which has tended to check differentiation in the American
cotton industry is the isolation of so many of the mills, and as a result of this,
practically every American textile mill has its own machinery repair shop. On the
other hand, in a highly localised industry, like the boot and shoe industry, a
considerable amount of differentiation may be observed, and it is somewhat
uncommon to find a manufacturer doing much of his own preliminary work, such as
tanning his own leather. A large firm of boot and shoe manufacturers, like Messrs.
Rice & Hutchins of Boston, do tan a great deal of leather, but they use only a small
part of it, and much of it they sell. This is largely explained by the great variety of
leathers required in the boot and shoe industry; besides it would not pay to do any
tanning at all, unless done on a fairly considerable scale. Some manufacturers, such
as the W. L. Douglas Shoe Company, submit the sole leather, which they buy, to a
special treatment in order to render it more waterproof, but generally speaking the
boot and shoe manufacturer buys all the leather, which he requires, ready prepared.
He may do some subsidiary work, such as making his own cardboard boxes, but
frequently he limits himself to the manufacture pure and simple of boots and shoes.
In the case of shoes for women and girls, he frequently does not even do this, but
buys his soles ready cut and also very likely his box toes. At Lynn, Mass., the great
centre of the women's boot and shoe trade, sole cutting has become an important
industry. The sides of leather, from which the soles are cut, vary in thickness and
consequently yield different kinds of soles. For making men's shoes, inner and outer
soles are used, which enables better and poorer qualities of leather to be employed,
but in the case of women's shoes, there is frequently only one sole, and a
manufacturer restricting his activity to one or two lines, would have difficulty in
using up his leather if he cut his own soles. He would be obliged to sell the rest,
whereas now he frequently prefers to buy his soles ready cut. The manufacturers of
men's shoes generally cut soles for their own use, but this does not prevent them
from buying and selling soles whenever a favourable opportunity offers. What has
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 46
been said of soles, is to some extent true of box toes, and the cutting of these exists
as a separate industry. If a boot and shoe manufacturer makes numerous and varying
styles, he frequently finds it more economical to get his box toes cut, as there can
then be no loss if the shapes go out of use. This applies to both men's and women's
shoes. To some extent, heels are made by separate manufacturers. As a general thing,
there appears to be a growing tendency towards differentiation among the boot and
shoe manufacturers who cater for the middle classes.
The development of differentiation would seem to be largely limited by the extent
to which the product is standardised. A manufacturer cannot buy parts of his product,
ready made, unless he knows what he is getting. Thus at the present time the
organisation of the automobile industry is very unsettled. Some manufacturers buy
all their parts, assemble them, and sell the cars, others make almost everything which
is required themselves, and between these two extremes there are numerous concerns
which manufacture some of their parts and buy others. It is doubtful whether the
automobile industry is sufficiently standardized at present to admit really
successfully of such extreme differentiation as the mere assembling of parts. On the
other hand this has been encouraged by the doubtful legality of certain essential
patents in the automobile industry, as already mentioned in a previous chapter.
With regard to the financial aspects of integration the fluctuations in profits are
greater where an industry is highly integrated than where an industry is less
integrated. In the case of an integrated industry when the selling price rises the cost
of production does not increase, but when the price goes down the producer cannot
reduce the cost, because he owns everything himself. In the case of a non-integrated
industry, cost and price rise and fall more or less together. When the raw material is
owned by the same people that manufacture, there is not the same chance of
obtaining compensation as where this is not the case.
One labour aspect of integration of industry may be mentioned. In the Southern
States many ironworks own coal mines. Several firms of pig iron producers in
Alabama pay their coal miners wages according to a sliding scale, that varies, not
with the price of coal, which is quite indifferent to the firms, but with the market
price of pig iron.
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 47
Subsidiary Work.
Unlike integration, subsidiary work depends entirely on large scale production. In
the South there are quite small mills that spin and weave cotton goods, but generally
no firm will undertake to do subsidiary work unless it produces on a large scale.
Exceptions may exist in the case of plants which are isolated, and cannot easily
obtain outside assistance. The case of the J. B. Stetson Company can be quoted as
a general example of a large concern doing a good deal of its own subsidiary work.
Its primary function is to make felt hats, but it also weaves the ribbons it requires for
bands and for binding, and makes cardboard boxes and prints labels for same.
One thing which affects subsidiary work to a large extent, is the localisation of an
industry. If an industry is highly localised there is a tendency for the manufacturer
not to do his own subsidiary work. Thus, a very large number of factories for the
manufacture of men's and boys' boots and shoes are collected in and around
Brockton, Mass. Generally speaking, these manufacturers do very little of their own
subsidiary work, and there exist in Brockton numerous factories for producing lasts,
dies, patterns, elastic goring, tacks, shoe tools and machinery, paper and wooden
boxes, labels, etc.
Occasionally a manufacturer who desires some special equipment is obliged to
make it himself, thus the Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Company of Providence
R.I., were originally clock makers. In 1859 a contract was taken for making Wilcox
and Gibb's Sewing Machines. In order to perform the work satisfactorily, the
Company found it necessary to make machine tools, gauges, etc. Gradually this
subsidiary work has become the principal part of the business. The Company still
makes sewing machines, but the principal products are machine-tools and machinists'
The looms used by the J. B. Stetson Company for weaving ribbons are built in the
machine shops of the factory. In this way the Company is better able to obtain the
sort of machine they require. In the machine shop of the Gorham Manufacturing
Company some of the machines and tools are made, which the company uses in the
manufacture of silver and bronze ware.
A large packing firm, such as Armour & Co., do a great deal of subsidiary work.
They make all the tin cans they require, besides the wooden boxes and kegs; and they
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 48
also build their own refrigerating cars. They do their own printing, and utilise their
by-products to the utmost extent. Thus they are manufacturers of glue, soap and
manure, and the large scale on which they conduct business enables them to prepare
such a product as suprarenalin, to secure a pound of which over one hundred
thousand sheep have to be killed.
Occasionally a producer undertakes subsidiary work in order to facilitate and
increase the principal object for which he is established. This is partly true of some
of the railroad companies. Thus, the Canadian Pacific Railroad owns and manages
several hotels. It has also established lines of steamers both on the Pacific and on the
Atlantic Oceans, partly doubtless with a view to increasing its railroad traffic. The
same policy with regard to hotels and steamers is pursued by many British railway
Several railroads in the States have large interests in coal mines. This is due to their
desire to obtain cheap fuel, but they also hope to increase their freight traffic. The
Canadian Pacific Railroad has large locomotive and carriage building works at
Montreal, and the Pennsylvania Railroad builds equipment and undertakes repairs
in its great shops at Altoona, Pa.
Chapter V: The Establishment of Retail Stores by
When a manufacturer's product is such that it can all be sold in the shopping
district of any town, then he may be able to establish his own stores and retail his
own product; but if the product is one that must be sold all over the town in order
that it may be sold successfully, as, for example, sugar, then he must sell it through
ordinary trade channels. Manufacturers in several lines of business have established
retail stores in the United States, but it is impossible to ascertain what proportion of
their product they market through their own stores. In dealing with this subject it is
necessary to distinguish between different classes of retail stores established by
manufacturers. The simplest case is that of mechanical specialities, such as sewing
machines, cash registers, typewriters and automobiles. It is desirable that the
salesman should possess considerable technical knowledge, best acquired by being
trained in the manufacturer's factory; also it is necessary to offer facilities for making
repairs in various localities.
This is most easily done by the direct establishment of retail stores, or the granting
of an exclusive agency to some existing store. In the case of these mechanical
specialities a good deal of the product of the factories is also sold through travellers.
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 50
The case of cameras is very similar to these mechanical specialities, and the
Eastman Company market all their products through exclusive agencies. The
company restricts the number of dealers in a given district, and sees that they are
distributed evenly throughout the district. In deciding who is a dealer, Eastmans do
not judge by the quantity handled, but the facilities for displaying a full line of
goods. In this way the professional photographer is practically barred from receiving
Boots, shoes and hats are examples of a different class of direct selling. It is
possible to establish shops which deal in nothing else but these products. Further,
such stores need be located in the shopping districts only. Some of the Danbury hat
manufacturers have established chains of stores, but it is the stores of the boot and
shoe manufacturers which are by far the best known. There is a tendency for
independent boot shqps to act on the principle of carrying very few makes only, so
that the manufacturer's exclusive store is merely an extension of this principle. There
are probably a dozen well-known and highly-advertised brands of boots and shoes
which are sold through the exclusive stores of the manufacturers. Anyone who has
visited a large American city cannot fail to have seen the Douglas, Regal, Emerson,
Crawford, Walk-over, All-America and other well-known Shoe Stores. The W. L.
Douglas Shoe Company claim to have over 70 exclusive stores in different parts of
the United States, but a large part of their product is disposed of by general shoe
dealers, of whom more than 11,000 handle the Douglas Shoe. On the other hand, the
Regal Shoe Company sell practically the whole of their product through their 122
exclusive stores, and supply only very few agents. Taking the boot and shoe industry
as a whole, only a very small proportion of the product is sold direct through the
manufacturers' retail stores. Some of the large makers distribute direct to the retail
trade, but the majority of the business is probably done through jobbers scattered
throughout the country.
An advantage which the boot and shoe manufacturers derive from the
establishment of their own stores is that it brings them into closer touch with the
market, and they are able to judge better of changes in demand, than if they sold
through jobbers. Further they are able to obtain more advantage from the large
amount of advertising which they do.
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 51
The principal reason for the establishment of retail stores by the Tobacco Trust
appears to have been a desire to push their business and to meet competition where
tobacconists refused to handle their goods. Originally the American Tobacco
Company sold to retailers under certain restrictions. In particular, a condition was
imposed that they were to sell no competing article in certain lines; for example,
cheap cigarettes. A retailer was also restricted with regard to fixing prices. It was
essentially in order to secure an outlet for cigars that the American Tobacco
Company entered the retail market by means of stores and stands. They seem to have
got the idea from England, where the Imperial Tobacco Company during the tobacco
war sought to secure control of the retail market by the purchase of Salmon and
Gluckstein's. Up to 1901 the American Tobacco Company hardly dealt in cigars at
all, and whilst in all other lines the well-known brands they owned secured them a
fairly certain entry into the market, this did not hold true of cigars. The Trust
obtained control of a considerable part of the Cuban output, but the large New York
importers of cigars preferred to deal with the independent producers, and the Trust
found a difficulty in selling its cigars. To overcome this opposition they established
retail stores and stands, and are just commencing the policy of establishing cigar
distributing houses in different parts of the country. The United Cigar Stores
Company, which is the name of the subsidiary company through which the Trust
retails some of its product, has now more than 450 stores in the principal cities in the
United States. Some 80 per cent of their business is in cigars, and they are situated
only where a cigar trade is likely to exist. They are frequently found in the business
quarters of a city in addition to the better residential portions. The sites of the stores
are very carefully chosen, and a corner is nearly always preferred. Sometimes they
take over an existing store, but only if it is in a favourable position.
To reach another part of the public, the American Tobacco Company has
established two further subsidiary companies, viz., the United Cigar Stands
Company and the National Cigar Stands Company. The first establishes, in the
outskirts of large cities, stands equipped with Trust goods, in small shops where
candy, newspapers, etc., are also sold, the district not being suitable for the
establishment of an independent tobacco store. The second undertakes to provide
drug stores with handsome well-equipped stands, and supply tobacco at a rate
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 52
yielding a slightly greater profit than dealing with a wholesale house would permit
of, on condition that the drug stores handle Trust goods exclusively.
The relation of the American Tobacco Company to drug stores has been the source
of considerable discussion. It has been said on fairly reliable authority that the
American Tobacco Company has built a drug factory in order to establish joint drug
and tobacco businesses in small places, where it would not pay to set up a store for
tobacco alone. On the other hand, this statement is denied on good authority, and it
seems probable that the Trust controls only the tobacco stands in drug stores, and is
not in any way directly interested in the drug business, although it is possible that
some of the men, who are connected with the American Tobacco Company, are also
interested in the drug business.
The case of chocolate and candy is somewhat similar to tobacco, and several
manufacturers of these products rely on disposing of goods partly through their own
stores and partly through the general channels of the trade. In many cases it is very
probable that the manufacturing part of the business has grown out of the retail store.
One large concern which disposes of its product through its own stores, and through
agents distributed throughout the country, is Huylers, who own some 40 stores in the
larger cities of America, but it is only in Huylers' own stores that their products can
be bought otherwise than in the sealed boxes and packages.
There exists another class of producers who establish a single retail store, or at the
most two or three, but who rely on disposing of the bulk of their product through the
ordinary channels of trade. In this case such retail store or stores appear to be
established largely for advertising purposes, as, for example, when large publishing
houses carry on a retail book business through a store established in New York,
Boston or Philadelphia. The J. B. Stetson Company owns one retail store in
Philadelphia at which its hats are sold. The Gorham Manufacturing Company of
Providence, R.I., has one large store in New York for the sale of its silver and bronze
ware. John and James Dobson own a shop in New York for the sale of their carpets.
Several of the New England textile mills retail their remnants and seconds in the
town where their mills are situated. Taken as a whole, this class of retail store is of
small consequence.
One other important way in which the manufacturer can deal direct with the
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 53
consumer is through the "mailorder" system. In this case the manufacturer advertises
his products for sale, and invites people to order goods by letter. These are then
despatched to the customer's address through the post, or by express company, or as
freight. This system is employed by several ready-made clothing manufacturers, also
by furniture makers and to some extent by boot and shoe manufacturers, but it is
utilised to the greatest extent by a few large distributing houses dealing in a very
large range of goods, some of which they manufacture, but most of which they
purchase in a manner very similar to a big department store. Two of the largest
houses engaged in this class of business are Sears, Roebuck and Company and
Montgomery, Ward and Company, both of Chicago. The business of these houses
is purely retail, but no goods are sold over the counter, all orders being received
through the medium of the post. Several of the large department stores carry on some
of their business in this way. The system does a lot of harm to the stores in small
towns whose inhabitants find that the "mail-order" house offers them a far larger
selection to choose from than the local store. Consequently they buy a good deal on
this system, and would probably use it even more were it not for the delay in
obtaining goods and the cash terms on which they are sold. Further, the fact that
there is no parcels post system in the United States checks the growth of the "mail-
order" business. The thing which hinders its development in England is the absence
of any "cash on delivery" system.
Chapter VI: The Control of Retail Prices by
It is probably correct to say that the ideal of most manufacturers is to obtain a
monopoly. This may be based on transportation facilities, or on the control of the
supply of raw material, or again, on patents or favourable location. In many cases,
however, it is impossible to obtain a monopoly in any of these ways, and the
manufacturer seeks to reach the same end by creating an individuality for his goods.
This may be done either by selling his product in sealed boxes, or packages, or by
clearly marking his goods with a trade mark, or his name, and then it will be
necessary to draw the attention of the public to the goods by advertising. If the goods
are intended for the domestic market this will probably answer his purpose very well,
especially if the consumers are women, as they are far more tenacious with regard
to the use of a commodity than men. Men usually look at consumption merely from
a business point of view, and want the best article they can get for their money. If a
woman has become accustomed to a particular article she will probably continue to
buy it in preference to others, even though they may be somewhat cheaper and better.
This is probably one reason why sugar manufacturers have recently commenced to
make up sugar in bags and sealed packages. One cannot travel very long in America
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 55
without seeing the conspicuous advertisements of Crystal Domino Sugar, which is
a kind of lump sugar that is sold in 5 lb. packages only; similarly Arbuckle Brothers
sell much of their white granulated sugar made up in bags. Several brands of coffee
are sold in tins only; as, for example, the Hotel Astor Coffee, and Lion Brand Coffee.
A great many biscuits are made up in packages weighing one half pound or more,
and during the past year the National Biscuit Company report a considerable increase
in the sale of their trade mark goods. In England the same sort of thing occurs in the
case of tea, large quantities of which are sold in sealed packages. Trade marks also
play an important part in the sale of such an article as sewing cotton, so that even
after the owners of several brands have amalgamated, the firm controlling the
business continues to place the various brands upon the market; and the same thing
is true of tobacco.
When once a manufacturer has established himself fairly firmly in his monopoly
he desires to fix, to some extent at least, the retail prices of his products. He is
strengthened in his desire by the fact that it is just the prices of trade mark goods
which the retailer desires to cut. If a shopkeeper, in order to advertise his store,
wishes to reduce the price of some of the goods which he sells, he naturally chooses
those the value of which is fairly well known to the consumer, and thus nothing suits
his purpose better than some trade mark goods, whose nature and prices are freely
advertised by the manufacturer. In consequence of this, the producers of certain
articles find themselves in a peculiar position.
The retailers are willing to buy these goods at the price fixed by the manufacturer,
and they find a ready sale for them at a small profit, or even at cost price or below.
For a short time this would prove perfectly satisfactory to the manufacturer, who
would dispose of large quantities of his goods, but he is frightened of a reaction
occurring in the long run, and consequently he feels obliged to insist on retail prices
being maintained. He is afraid that his market will be spoiled, and he wishes to
protect the small wholesalers and retailers from the competition of the large
department stores, which are willing, on account of their large turnover, to sell at a
small profit, or for purposes of advertising to sell at cost price, or even at a loss. If
this continues, the small men will refuse to handle his goods, and the manufacturer
will find the number of his customers reduced. Again, if the public comes to regard
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 56
a certain abnormally low price as the normal price, it will become difficult to restore
the old price, and ultimately the retailers and wholesalers will come back on the
manufacturer and insist on a reduction of the prices at which they buy. The
manufacturer of fine products is sometimes influenced in his desire to control prices
by the fear that low prices will spoil his reputation, as the public might easily
associate cheapness with inferior quality. All this goes to show that it is really in
self-protection that the manufacturer seeks to regulate retail prices. This, however,
cannot be said always to be the case. Occasionally he is anxious to control retail
prices, in order to sell at different prices in different parts of the same country. This
applies especially to the oil sold by the Standard Oil Company, who charge different
prices not only in different States of the Union, but in different parts of the same
States. To some extent this also occurs in the case of the products marketed by the
American Tobacco Company.
Generally speaking, retailers object to the fixing of prices by the manufacturer, and
occasionally this leads to (friction. Thus in England, the Proprietary Articles' Trade
Association sought to dictate terms to the Co-operative Wholesale Society, as to the
price at which the articles of members of the Association should be sold. The
Wholesale Society resented the dictation. The Association withheld supplied, and the
Society has commenced to manufacture many of these articles for itself.
The most striking case of friction between producers and retailers, occasioned by
the restriction of the terms of retail sales, is in the English book trade. Formerly
booksellers might sell books at any price they chose, but gradually the small
booksellers were brought to the verge of ruin by a system of undercutting. To protect
the small shop, which handled some books, from the competition of the large
booksellers, the publishers introduced the nett book system, which came into
operation on January 1st, 1900. Under this system no nett book might be sold at a
discount. The booksellers accepted the agreement, and everything worked well, until
the establishment of the "Times" Book Club. The Club undercut prices in selling off
its supplies, offering large discounts to purchasers of books, which were practically
new. It also offered new books for sale at a special discount. This dealt a heavy blow
to the booksellers, who called upon the Publishers' Association to assist them in
defending the nett system. After consideration, a period of six months was fixed as
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 57
the life of a new book, during which time it was not to be sold at a reduced price.
The "Times" alone rejected this definition, and thus the book war commenced.
In America somewhat similar agreements existed in the book trade, the American
Association of Publishers having copied the English plan. The Association did not
wish to fix prices, and each publisher might charge what he chose for a book, and
only when the publisher had fixed the price, did the Association step in and require
the retailer to keep to that price. At first some of the small publishers remained out
of the Association, but they soon discovered, when they sent their travellers round
to the booksellers, that the latter were unwilling to buy from those publishers who
were not members of the Association, and so all the publishers were brought into
line. The original object of the agreement was to save the booksellers from being
ruined by the competition of the big department stores which are large dealers in
books and very fond of cutting prices. Almost all the booksellers approved of the
agreement, the chief exception being the large New York department store, R. H.
Macy and Company. This store was cut off from all direct supplies, and several
lawsuits between the Association and the firm followed. Both the department store
and the Association claim to have had the best of the litigation, so that it is
impossible to say what the exact position is to-day. After a time the Association
dropped its concerted action for fear of being charged with conspiracy in restraint of
trade under the anti-trust laws. At present each of the more important publishers
(some 35 or 36, apart from law or medicine) notifies the retailers to whom he sells,
that books are sold on the following terms only : on new copyright nett books the
price must be maintained for one year; on other new copyright books no discount
exceeding 28 per cent must be granted for one year. This applies especially to fiction,
and is done to meet the wish of the department stores to sell $1.50 novels for $1.08,
the department store being the best customers of the publishers in many lines. The
discounts which a bookseller may grant to a library on new copyright books are 10
per cent and 33
per cent off the retail prices of nett and discount books
respectively. The system has existed about five years, and it has now become
customary to publish all new copyright books at nett prices, except fiction and
juvenile books.
Probably the most striking cases of the control of sales to the consumer by the
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 58
manufacturer is that exercised by the United Shoe Machinery Company in the sale
of its products. This company owns about 1,700 patents, and makes some 250
machines. Of these machines a few, which are absolutely essential to the shoe
manufacturer, cannot be made by any other machinery makers. The company refuses
to sell its machines, and will only lease them for a royalty of so much per pair of
shoes made. In leasing the essential machines, which cannot be procured elsewhere,
the United Shoe Company stipulates that these machines shall not perform an
operation on any shoe, certain parts of which have not been made with the company's
machinery. In this way the company is able to lease machines which might under
other circumstances be obtained from independent shoe machinery makers. At the
present time a great deal of agitation is going on in Massachusetts to introduce
legislation with a view to regulating the terms of machinery leases, but so far nothing
has been enacted, and in any case it is doubtful if such an act would be constitutional.
Somewhat similar are the terms of the Eastman Kodak Company, which refuses
to sell to any dealer who handles products of any other photographic manufacturer.
Further, the dealer must sell at catalogue prices. These prices enable him to make a
small profit, and if, after selling the goods, he signs a voucher certifying he has sold
at catalogue prices only, he receives a rebate.
The Gorham Manufacturing Company refuses to sell its silver and bronze ware to
any store which cuts their prices, and under no circumstances will they sell to the
silver departments of the department stores.
Domestic sewing cotton is sold on similar conditions to retailers, and if it passes
through the hands of wholesale houses, it is on the understanding that the retailers
will sell it at certain fixed prices. If retail prices are reduced, the offending retailer
and wholesaler, if the latter has handled the goods, are cut off from supplies.
The large boot and shoe manufacturers usually insist that their finer products, on
which the name of their firm appears, shall be sold at the advertised prices. Some
phonograph dealers will not allow prices to be cut, and refuse to sell to any firm who
cuts prices, or who has sold to a firm which cuts prices.
In the dry goods business there is very little price regulation by manufacturers, as
the retailers are strongly opposed to it. One example is afforded by Earl and Wilson,
large shirt, collar and cuff manufacturers, who will sell to such retailers only who
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 59
enter into a written contract to maintain prices. These may not even be cut at "sale"
times, and Earl and Wilson undertake to change goods which a retailer finds he
cannot sell. Cluett, Peabody and Company try to fix the retail prices of the shirts,
collars and cuffs which they manufacture, but they have no written contracts.
There is one firm of neck-wear manufacturers who definitely fix prices, but
generally the producers of these lines content themselves with suggesting prices,
placing the purchaser under no obligation to follow them. The same is true of the sale
of the products of the National Biscuit Company.
In the case of baking powder, the manufacturer sometimes seeks to fix prices,
largely in order to prevent the dealer from making a "leader" of such goods. The
method employed is to offer the dealer a special allowance of 6 per cent as an
inducement to maintain prices, but apparently the Royal Baking Powder Company
does not always succeed very well in keeping up prices, and the same may be said
of the offers of the drug and soap manufacturers.
Chapter VII: The Manufacture and Marketing of Related
In discussing the reasons why a manufacturer may produce, or market, related
products, it is necessary to bear in mind that various reasons may influence him with
regard to the same articles. In a general way a manufacturer can hope to produce
more cheaply if he restricts his activities to the production of one article. On the
other hand, the demand for one article is necessarily less steady than that for two, or
more, articles, consequently the manufacturer is always seeking to hold the balance
between cheap production and steady demand for his products. In view of the fact
that the economies of large scale production become comparatively slight after a
time, especially in the case of some industries, manufacturers to-day appear to be
giving increasing attention to attempts to obtain a steady demand for their products.
If they decide to undertake the manufacture of a new commodity they will probably
seek one which is in some way associated with, or related to, the one which they
already make. Their choice is likely to be guided by the consideration that it would
be most economical if they could employ some, at least, of the same labour and
machinery in the manufacture of the new commodity as is employed for the old. In
the first place, they would understand better the technical work connected with the
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 61
new development. Secondly, less expenditure of new capital and labour would be
required; and, lastly, and probably this is the most important consideration, in case
the demand for one of the two articles they manufacture falls off, they can increase
their output of the other article with far less expense and trouble than if the two
articles required entirely different labour and machinery.
This point is well illustrated by the manufacturers of automobiles. One frequently
finds that motor cars are made by a concern which was formerly engaged in the
manufacture of some other commodity. Thus several cycle makers have turned their
attention to the manufacture of automobiles. For example, the Pope cars are made
by the same people as produce the Columbia cycle. In other cases it is gas engine
makers who have extended the sphere of their activities; for instance, the Olds Motor
Works originally made gas engines; and in England we find Crossley Brothers Ltd.
making motor cars in addition to gas engines. At least one large firm of carriage
makers, namely, Studebaker Brothers, of South Bend, Indiana, have commenced to
make automobiles under the name of the Studebaker Automobile Company. Another
example is afforded by the American Locomotive Automobile Company, of
Providence, R.I., which is subsidiary to the American Locomotive Company.
Other English engineering firms besides Crossley's, which have entered into the
automobile industry, either directly or by means of subsidiary companies, are
Armstrongs, Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Beyer Peacock and Thorneycrofts. Generally
speaking, the English motor car industry has developed from the cycle
manufacturing trade.
Another reason for the addition of an automobile manufacturing department to a
works engaged in some other line of business is that this is a comparatively new
industry, in consequence of which the competition in marketing should be limited,
and the old firms fancy that additional capital can be employed more profitably along
a new line, where there would be little trouble in marketing the product, than in re-
duplicating their old works.
Similar conditions are found in other industries. Thus one big firm of pickle
manufacturers has developed a large jam and preserve business. In the same way a
big biscuit making concern undertakes the manufacture of cakes. In connection with
a dyeing and cleaning establishment a laundry will frequently be found.
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 62
Sometimes consideration of marketing facilities will indicate to a manufacturer
along what line to extend his business. Either the purchasers of a particular article
necessarily require another article in order to use the first, or the consumers of
certain products are likely to require other products of a somewhat similar character,
which can easily be marketed by the same salesmen. The users of sewing machines
must have sewing cotton, and at one time it was said that the Singer Manufacturing
Company were about to commence the manufacture of sewing machine cotton. This
would appear to be a perfectly natural extension of Singer's business, though in this
particular case the advisability of attempting it would be doubtful, owing to the very
strong position held by J. and P. Coats Ltd. in the domestic sewing cotton trade. As
a matter of fact Singer's content themselves with having sewing cotton made by
sewing cotton manufacturers and selling it with labels bearing their own name in
addition to that of the manufacturer.
Examples of two products which can easily be marketed together are afforded by
coffee and sugar. A few years ago Arbuckle Brothers, the large coffee dealers,
commenced to handle sugar in addition to coffee, and the Sugar Trust retaliated by
obtaining an interest in the firm which makes the Lion brand of coffee. English firms
which produce several different articles, the relationship of which appears to lie in
the facilities for marketing, are Messrs. Faulder, of Stockport, who own, in addition
to their large preserve factory, a chocolate works and toffee factory, and Messrs.
Colman, of Norwich, who produce both mustard and starch.
Occasionally a manufacturer, or dealer, undertakes a new function in order to
satisfy the wishes of his customers. Armour and Company, in addition to their large
meat packing business, have established an egg and butter preserving department.
This is not so much because they can find a market for these products, but in order
to assist the farmers from whom they buy their cattle. One large wholesale grocery
establishment in New York has added a provision department to its business, the firm
selling the butter, cheese and eggs on commission. These products are consigned to
them by their country customers, who have received them in payment for groceries
sold to farmers. It is not a remunerative business, and is chiefly done to oblige and
secure customers.
In the case of some fairly old businesses, new departments appear to have been
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 63
added without any particular reason, other than that new capital was being invested
along the lines of least resistance. Thus John and James Dobson, of Philadelphia,
manufacture not only carpets, but also blankets, worsted goods, cotton and silk plush,
velvet and imitation fur. The various mills are scattered about and have been bought,
or built, as favourable opportunities offered. Although the products are all textiles,
they cannot generally be sold together, as the selling departments have to be situated
in different parts of New York, according to where the particular trade is located;
consequently facilities for marketing the various products cannot be given as the
reason for the collection of the different industries under one management.
Other examples of large firms performing different functions are afforded by some
of the big English engineering works. Messrs. Mather and Platt, of Salford, combine
the manufacture of textile machinery, gas engines, pumps, sprinklers and electrical
apparatus. The British Westinghouse Company at Trafford Park make gas engines
and steam turbines, in addition to electrical apparatus, but this appears to be with the
view of providing complete electrical equipments.
Occasionally a producer is interested in the manufacture of two products, the
connection between which is, that they are strong competitors. The Standard Oil
Company, in addition to refining and marketing petroleum, is interested in the
production of certain other competing oils. Sometimes in American cities there will
be found one company controlling the production and sale of both gas and electricity,
just as in England the municipalities often own the gas and the electricity works.
Often a manufacturer, instead of both making and selling a commodity related to
his original product, contents himself with buying such a commodity and selling it
in his own name. Generally he does this when a market for such a product exists, and
yet its manufacture would involve him in an entirely new kind of undertaking. Thus
Studebaker Brothers, the large carriage manufacturers, sell harness; the Singer
Sewing Machine Company sell sewing cotton ; the Spool Cotton Company (the
United States selling house of J. and P. Coats Ltd.) are exclusive agents for large
Redditch makers of needles. In England the Maypole Dairy Company, which
controls the supplies of dairy products, also sells tea. Occasionally the manufacturer
is almost forced to buy some product merely to sell it again, in order to meet the
public demand. The J. B. Stetson Company, of Philadelphia, whose name is well
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 64
known in connection with the best qualities of felt hats, sell straw hats, which are
made for them with their name stamped in, in order to meet the requirements of their
customers. Also the manufacturers of men's and boys' boots and shoes purchase
ladies' and girls' boots and shoes, in order to be able to supply a complete line of
Certain manufacturers buy goods for purposes of sale, merely to facilitate the
direct selling of their own product. Large manufacturers of fine worsted goods, like
Folwell Brothers and Company, of Philadelphia, will sell woollen goods made by
other manufacturers in addition to their own cloths, in order to provide sufficient
occupation for their travellers. Boot and shoe manufacturers, who establish retail
stores of their own, sell goloshes and snow shoes made by rubber manufacturers. Ice
dealers frequently sell wood and coal, presumably in order to utilise their distributing
system during the winter when the demand for ice is comparatively small.
Chapter VIII. The Position of the Middleman.
In American trade it is possible to distinguish at least three different classes of
middlemen—the broker, the commission man and the jobber or wholesale dealer. In
the case of the cotton industry, there is also the converter, who buys cloth in the grey
and sends it to various concerns to be bleached, dyed, printed and finished. He
generally has an office in New York, as this is the best market in which to sell
printed goods. Occasionally the manufacturers will have goods finished on their own
account, in accordance with the advice of the commission house through which they
sell, and then sell the goods through that house. Sometimes jobbing houses buy
goods in the grey and have them prepared for placing on the market.
Until fairly recently all goods were sold through the agency of one or more of these
middlemen, and probably one of the principal reasons for this was want of capital on
the part of the manufacturer. In many industries, especially the textile industries, the
manufacturer has had barely enough capital to carry on manufacturing, let alone
selling, and he has been obliged to rely very largely on the advances made by the
commission houses. This is still true to a considerable extent of the Southern cotton
mills, but less so of some of the large textile mills of the New England States.
In comparing English and American conditions with respect to marketing, it must
be remembered that the cost of marketing in the United States is exceedingly high
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 66
on account of the very large area to be covered, and the absence of any one well-
recognised central marketing town. In spite of this there has been of recent years a
steadily growing tendency for the manufacturer to do at least part of his own
marketing. The chief objection to the use of the commission house, from the
manufacturer's point of view, is that he remains in ignorance of the names of the
customers to whom his goods are sold, and he is rapidly recognising that his hold on
the market is far from strong. Also the growth of the large department store has
tended to do away with the middleman, as these stores generally refuse to buy from
the jobbing houses, and desire if possible to obtain their supply direct from the
manufacturer. The middlemen have not failed to recognise that their position is being
undermined in many trades, and they are seeking to meet this difficulty by obtaining
an interest in, if not complete control of, the mills whose product they sell.
Another important reason for the displacement of the middleman has been the
growth in size of the manufac-ing concerns. When these were established on a small
scale only, it did not pay the manufacturer to keep up a selling staff of his own, but
with the growth of the separate concerns and the increase in the specialisation of the
product, it has become worth while for the manufacturer to do his own selling. This
is especially true of many commodities to which the law of increasing returns applies
strongly, as these commodities are probably specialities, and consequently difficult
to market. A further cause contributing to the displacement of the middlemen is the
development of credit agencies, which enable the manufacturer to sell direct even to
smallish men.
Of late, the lines of demarcation between wholesalers and retailers have become
much obscured, and in the States jobbing houses and retail stores frequently go hand
in hand. In some cases this is done perfectly openly. Thus Marshall Field and
Company, in Chicago, have a large wholesale house, and an enormous department
store. To avoid causing friction with the customers of its wholesale house, the
Marshall Field department store makes no attempt to push its "mail-order" business;
further, it refuses to send in estimates for furnishing country hotels, if it learns that
a local customer of the wholesale department is competing for the work. In a similar
manner Arnold Constable and Company, of New York, combine a retail and a
wholesale business.
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 67
On the other hand, a large jobbing house like the H. B. Claflin Company, in New
York, has a big interest in some thirty department stores in different parts of the
States, but these are not carried on under its own name. Several large jobbing and
retail houses own, control or have an interest in manufacturing concerns. John
Wanamaker, besides his Department Stores in New York and Philadelphia, owns two
white goods factories in the Schuylkill Valley. The H. B. Claflin Company own a
white goods factory in New York, and very many of the large wholesale houses and
department stores take the whole product of small factories.
It is not possible to make any sweeping generalisations with regard to the
displacement of the middleman, and it is necessary to consider the conditions in
leading industries separately in order to understand the present position.
Textile Industries.
In the cotton and the woollen industries very few goods are sold direct by the
manufacturer, most of the product of the mills being disposed of through commission
houses in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago, and in some cases through
brokers. The business of the broker is to bring the buyer and the seller together, and
he is generally used only where the goods are comparatively highly graded. The
commission house stores the goods, advances money on them, sells them in its own
name and guarantees payment of accounts to the manufacturer. In return for this it
receives a 5 per cent, or 6 per cent, commission, interest on advances, a small
percentage to cover insurance, and frequently a discount of 1 per cent, or 2 per cent,
in addition. The broker generally receives 1½ per cent to 2 per cent brokerage.
Comparatively few goods are disposed of through the broker, the print cloths of Fall
River being probably the principal goods sold in this way; on the other hand, cotton
yarns are generally marketed through commission houses. Yarn is a simple thing to
sell, and one might expect it to be sold through brokers, but for two reasons at least
it is largely handled by the commission houses. In the first place, the spinners,
especially from the South, wish to have money advanced to them; and in the second
place, a manufacturer likes to go to one man and buy all the various kinds of yarn he
requires, and a commission house is better able to meet this requirement than a
broker. There is probably a growing tendency for the yarn business to be done
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 68
through brokers, especially as the spinners become financially strong.
It is largely physical conditions which account for the existence of the commission
man in the sale of cotton goods. The buyers are scattered and the distances great, so
that it hardly pays a mill to have its own travellers. In the silk business conditions are
different. Most of the silk manufacturers of Jersey City and Patterson have selling
agencies in New York, and the Western buyers go there to buy. It is also possible for
a small staff of salesmen to visit the buyers of silk goods, as these are comparatively
limited in number.
A few of the larger cotton and woollen mills have established selling agencies of
their own, but in almost every case they manufacture fine goods; thus almost all the
Philadelphia carpet manufacturers sell their own product either direct to jobbers, or
to large retailers. The American Woollen Company has dispensed with commission
houses entirely and sells direct to jobbers and manufacturing clothiers. Also the fine
worsted manufacturers, such as the Lorraine Manufacturing Company of Pawtucket,
R.I., and Folwell Brothers and Company, of Philadelphia, have their own selling
houses in New York. The makers of textile specialities, such as sewing cottons and
sateens, do their own selling, as do most of the large shirt, collar and cuff
manufacturers of Troy, N.Y. This may, only mean that goods are disposed of without
passing through the hands of a commission house or broker, but frequently the
jobber's services are also dispensed with.
Several of the large hat factories appear to do their own selling. The J. B. Stetson
Company has an office in New York and fifteen travellers throughout the country,
who deal mostly direct with retailers and very little with jobbers.
Recently in England a good deal has been heard about "going direct" in the home
trade, and the wholesale houses do not appear to have taken at all kindly to it. Two
stages can be distinguished in the movement. The one is where the manufacturer
seeks to create an individuality for his goods by attaching a striking ticket to them
and by stamping his name, or trade mark, on the selvedge. In addition he advertises
them by announcements in suitable newspapers and by show-cards in the shops
where they are sold. He may be contented with identifying himself in this manner
with the goods he produces and continue to sell them as before through wholesale
houses. On general principles the manufacturer seems perfectly justified in pushing
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 69
the sale of his goods amongst the public, if the wholesale houses do not do it to his
satisfaction. The second stage in the movement is where the manufacturer goes
beyond creating an individuality for his goods, and sells direct to the drapers.
Frequently in order to establish such a selling department on a paying basis he is
obliged to buy in stock, so as to be able to offer a more complete line of goods to his
From what has been said above, it will be seen that there is a tendency in England
for manufacturers to do away with middlemen as there is in America.
Boot and Shoe Industry.
Whilst a certain number of well-known boot and shoe manufacturers sell their
product direct to the consumer through their own retail stores, or to the retailers
through their own distributing agencies, the greatest proportion of the shoes made
in Massachusetts are sold through the large Boston and New York jobbing houses.
It may be noted that it is generally the finer qualities of shoes which are sold direct
under the name of the manufacturer, whilst in the case of the coarser qualities of
shoes disposed of through the jobbers, the manufacturer's name falls away, and in its
place the name of the jobber or retailer, who sells them, is stamped on the shoes.
One large firm, manufacturing boots and shoes, commenced to do their own
jobbing, because independent jobbers were unwilling to handle goods bearing the
manufacturer's name. On the other hand, some of the Western boot and shoe jobbers
have begun to manufacture on their own account.
Nearly all the grocery products are handled through jobbers, and only very seldom
is there any tie with regard to the prices at which the goods are to be sold. One of the
principal exceptions is biscuits and crackers. This industry is very largely in the
hands of the National Biscuit Company, which is an amalgamation of several
independent manufacturers. This company sells a very considerable part of its
product direct to the retailers. They have distributing agencies in most of the big
cities of the United States, and deliver their goods by means of their own horses and
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 70
From the point of view of this company there is more than one advantage in direct
selling. A jobber's salesman is able to sell 10 or 12 leading lines of biscuits, but to
sell the 200 kinds made by the National Biscuit Company requires a biscuit expert.
Such a man is able to advise the grocer what lines to stock, and what quantities of
each kind, taking into consideration the popularity of the different biscuits, and also
their keeping qualities. If a grocer, following the advice of one of the company's
salesmen, stocks too large a quantity of a particular line, the company is willing to
take it back. The firm's salesman also arranges displays of biscuits for the different
grocers, so that they will attract the customers' attention. New York is probably the
best market of the company, which employs as many as one hundred salesmen in
that city.
It may be noted in passing, that Huntley and Palmers, the large English biscuit
manufacturers, have fairly recently established a system of direct selling to retailers,
though on somewhat different grounds. The chief reason was the keenness of
competition with other biscuit manufacturers, who were willing to grant larger
discounts than Huntley and Palmers to the wholesale dealers. It is the financial
instability of some firms, rather than their smallness, which obliges Huntley and
Palmers to continue to do some of their business through dealers.
Though the sugar industry is principally in the hands of one large undertaking,
there does not appear to have been any attempt to desplace the jobber. Probably the
reason for this is that the Trust can get its distributing done more cheaply through the
jobbers than it could do it itself. This is accounted for by the fact that sugar is almost
universally treated as a "leader" in the grocery business. In other words, the
wholesale dealers, as well as the retailers, tend to sell sugar at cost price as an
advertisement. Wholesale dealers are not slow to recognise the objections to this
policy, seeing that sugar accounts for anything between 10 per cent and 20 per cent
of their business, but as the sale of sugar at about cost price is such a generally
recognised thing, it would be exceedingly difficult to make any alteration, although
such a change has been brought about in other trades. Thus formerly white lead,
linseed oil and turpentine were employed as "leaders" in the chemical trade, but the
dealers succeeded in coming to an understanding, in consequence of which these
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 71
products are now sold on terms which yield a profit, though not a very large one.
The Standard Oil investigation has shown how completely the jobbers have been
removed from the illuminating oil business. This has been facilitated by the peculiar
conditions connected with the transportation of oil. Usually it is not barrelled, but
delivered in tank cars, and no one can handle it unless he has the necessary tank
apparatus in which to hold it on removal from the car. One result of the control of the
distributing trade by the Standard Oil Company is that the company is able to fix
different prices in different parts of the United States. The Bureau of Corporation's
investigation of the Standard Oil Company shows that some 90 per cent of the oil
dealers in the United States belong to, or are controlled by, the Standard Oil
Company, and that barely 10 per cent are independent. Of these latter the majority
are wholesale grocery concerns, supplying a limited amount of oil, in barrels, to
The control over retail prices exercised by the Standard Oil Company owing to its
own system of distributing is very marked. The following are the average gross
prices paid by retailers for medium grade oil, December, 1904, and average prices
less freight, by States: —
States. Gross Price. Nett Price.
Cents per gallon. Cents per gallon.
Maine 11.5 10.4
Pennsylvania 9.3 8.7
Delaware 8.4 7.7
Florida 15.0 12.8
Ohio 9.0 8.5
Kansas 12.7 11.4
Alabama 14.4 11.6
Texas 13.1 11.6
Colorado 18.5 16.2
North California 13.6 12.4
South California 8.4 7.2
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 72
With regard to these figures, it may be noted that where the price is low,
competition is keen. The existence of oil wells in Southern California accounts for
the strong contrast in price between the Southern and the Northern part of that State.
Occasionally, in order to meet competition, the Standard Oil Company undertakes
the retail delivery of oil in tank-waggons.
The American Tobacco Company sells almost all its product through jobbers, with
the exception of certain small areas in the Southern part of the States, where it is
necessary to give very long credits. In the large cities, the American Tobacco
Company generally controls some of the wholesale houses through which it does the
majority of its selling. In the country districts it is possible to find some jobbing
houses, which are able to sell Trust goods a little cheaper than other wholesale
dealers, and there can be no doubt that some connection exists between these houses
and the Trust. The independent men are generally wholesale grocers or wholesale
druggists. The Trust could not distribute its goods without these men, and
consequently does not want to offend them by selling direct to retailers. Even the
United Cigar Stores Company buys through the wholesaler controlled by the Trust.
In the case of the independent tobacco manufacturers, there seems to be a growing
tendency to deal direct with the retailers. By this means the 10 per cent commission
charged by the jobbers for guaranteeing accounts is partially avoided. (It is shared
between the manufacturer and the retailer.) Also the manufacturer finds that in this
way he can obtain a more secure hold of his trade, and spread it over a larger area,
both of which are important advantages in the face of the Trust competition.
Although the Trust sells most of its product through the jobber, this does not
prevent it from pushing its business. Sometimes it employs the quantity system, by
which the amount of tobacco the jobber has to buy in any one year exceeds that
bought in the previous year. His profits come to him by means of rebates or
discounts, and unless he has sold the stipulated amount, he finds he has made no
profits. Another method is that of direct shipment. The jobber secures the order from
the retailer, to whom the manufacturer ships the goods direct, but payment is made
through the jobber. An order placed in this way must be fairly large, and the retailer
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 73
obtains the tobacco at a slight reduction. Under the combination system a retailer is
offered a favourite brand of tobacco at a reduced price, on condition that he takes
some other specified tobacco at the same time. Another policy pursued by the Trust
is to pay to the salesmen of independent jobbers a commission of one cent per pound
on all Trust tobacco they sell. This is done to encourage the sale of Trust tobacco as
against the sale of private brands, the manufacturers of which frequently allow the
jobber a larger commission than the Trust does, in order that he may be willing to
push the sale of their products. Formerly the Trust stipulated that jobbers should not
cut prices, but this stipulation appears to be no longer made.
Book Trade.
In the book trade there are few jobbing houses, but all larger booksellers deal direct
with the 35 or 36 more important publishers (not including medical and law
publishers). The booksellers write daily about any special books which they may
require, and they are visited three or four times a year by the publishers' salesmen,
when they buy books in considerable quantities for stock, and on these purchases
they receive larger discounts than when they order single copies. The terms for odd
copies are 25 per cent discount off nett book prices and 40 per cent off others, and
10 per cent additional when ordered in larger quantities. Thus a bookseller pays go
cents for a single copy of a $1.50 novel, and 81 cents, that is, go cents less 10 per
cent., for larger quantities. To the one or two book jobbers in Chicago and New
York, who buy in large quantities, the publishers generally sell at 5 per cent, or 10
per cent, lower prices than to the retail booksellers. The jobbers are able to dispose
of their purchases only to very small people, who cannot deal direct with the
publishers; they buy in large quantities, say 5,000 novels at 77 cents, and if they
misjudge the market, all their profit is likely to be swallowed up by the loss on the
remainder. If they buy only a few copies they generally obtain no better terms than
the large retail bookseller.
In the United States there are no large remainder booksellers like Glaisher's, or
Grant's, in London. An American publisher holds his stock much longer than an
English one, chiefly because it is usually electrotyped.
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 74
Meat Packing Industry.
In order to distribute their product, large packers establish wholesale houses in
different cities, and sometimes several in the case of a large city. Through these they
sell probably 99 per cent of their dressed meat to the butchers, and a very large
percentage of their packed goods, although some of these are handled by the
wholesale grocers. The packers' wholesale establishments sell entirely to retailers
and not to consumers, with the partial exception of some large buyers, such as hotels.
The Pittsburg Plate Glass Company which has a large control of the plate glass
business in the United States, has established distributing branches in various parts
of the country, which have tended to drive out the jobbers.
Jobbing in the chemical industries is much influenced by the cost of transportation.
The weight and the bulk of chemicals is often considerable in proportion to value.
Consequently it is desirable that they should be shipped direct to the consumer—
frequently a manufacturer—whenever the quantities warrant it, and thus the jobber
does not carry large stocks in his warehouse, and transacts a good deal of his
business on paper, receiving a brokerage, or commission, as the case may be. If the
dealer is the agent of a manufacturer for a particular district, he will receive a
payment from the manufacturer, when a buyer from his district goes direct to the
manufacturer. In other cases where the manufacturer has no particular agents, he will
generally protect dealers by charging the direct buyers the dealers' prices plus
commission. In competing lines the manufacturer is practically obliged to make use
of the dealers, as the connections between dealers and customers are frequently
A large alkali manufacturer will appoint one firm general sale-agents, and this firm
appoints sub-agents. A big firm of medicinal drug manufacturers in Philadelphia
sells direct to retail dealers only, making a small reduction in price if a large quantity
is taken, but not allowing commission to jobbers. The same is true of one or two
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 75
firms manufacturing special dyes.
Iron and Steel.
During the past ten years the number of middlemen dealing in pig-iron, steel
billets, etc., has steadily decreased, and many manufacturers now refuse to sell
except direct to the consumer. This is partly because the commission agent, or
jobber, quotes a price for future delivery below that quoted by the producer, and
relies on a fall in price occurring before it is necessary to cover his contract. Other
dealers hear lower prices are being quoted for a certain quality of iron, and lower
their prices accordingly. Ultimately the manufacturer is obliged to drop his, and he
objects to having his hand forced in this way.
Hardware is sold almost entirely through jobbers, but sometimes when there is a
question of pushing some particular line, the manufacturer will go direct to the
retailer, whilst at the same time protecting the jobber. A padlock manufacturer will
have a card made up, bearing twelve padlocks arranged in pairs. He will sell as few
as two of these cards to a retailer. If the padlock takes on, and the retailer requires
more, he has to get them through a jobber, who is thereby forced to handle the goods.
In the same way a maker of specialised tools may go to the retailer. In the case of
mechanical specialities, such as typewriters, sewing machines, cash registers, and
motor cars, the manufacturer almost always goes direct to the consumer, by
establishing either branch houses, or agencies, in different parts of the country.
Machinery manufacturers generally dispose of their product directly by
correspondence, agents or salesmen. This is more particularly the case where the
machinery to be sold is of a detailed and specialised character, which makes it
desirable to have a salesman who has been trained in the works.
The large agricultural implement makers, such as the International Harvester
Company, sell almost their entire product by means of local agents, who are
distributed throughout the agricultural districts.
With regard to the mechanism of direct selling, it may be observed that where a
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 76
manufacturing concern undertakes to do its own selling, it frequently establishes a
subsidiary company for this purpose, rather than do this work in its own name. The
large manufacturer is probably influenced by more than one reason. In the first place,
he is anxious to avoid taxation by arranging that the company which is to be
established in different States of the Union, and in various foreign countries, shall
have a purely nominal capital, thereby offering little temptation to the taxation
authorities. In the second place, selling through a small subsidiary company tends
to prevent the successful investigation of a monopoly, or in any case it may assist the
manufacturer to overcome some of the anti-trust laws. In the third place, a central
selling agency enables a number of nominally separate concerns to do their
marketing jointly. This may really mean that the concerns are closely combined. The
scheme appears feasible only where the product is standardised. In the fourth place,
large companies, which are amalgamations of several different firms, may find it
desirable to retain much of their identity, which will be most easily attained by
selling through one office, as this is more economical, and does away with any fear
of unintentional competition.
Large concerns which employ subsidiary companies to do their marketing are J.
and P. Coats Ltd., who sell through the Central Agency Ltd. in the United Kingdom,
and the Spool Cotton Company in the United States; the Amalgamated Copper
Company, who market their products through the United Metals Selling Company;
the Singer Manufacturing Company, who sell through the Singer Sewing Machine
Company; and the United States Steel Corporation, who sell abroad through the
United States Steel Products Export Company.
In conclusion, a word may be said with regard to the attitude of jobbers towards
manufacturers, who sell part of their product direct to retailers and part through
wholesale dealers. It varies in different industries. The large dry goods wholesalers
do not object to buy from manufacturers selling to retailers, providing they will
enable the jobber to make a fair profit. In the West some of the wholesalers have
banded together refusing to buy from manufacturers who sell to retailers, and this
appears to apply to the wholesale grocers even in the East.
Chapter IX. Conclusion.
Having reached this stage of the report, it may not be out of place to attempt to sum
up some of its chief points. The object of this essay has been to indicate a few
leading tendencies of the present-day organisation of industry in the United States.
Great stress has been laid upon the importance of the personal factor in the
development of business enterprise. This applies both to employers and to
employees. On the one hand, the great ambition and energy of manufacturers and
merchants is emphasised, and, on the other, I have attempted to show how
considerable is the influence of the spirit of democracy and equality amongst the
working classes, and indirectly of their pride and self-respect, in contributing to the
commercial and industrial progress of the United States. In this connection I spent
a most interesting and instructive quarter of an hour in watching the operatives of a
large Newark cotton mill leaving their work at dinner time. The women were neatly
dressed in cotton blouses and dark skirts, and nearly all carried umbrellas or parasols
to protect themselves from the hot mid-day sun, the temperature being over 90F in
the shade at the time. The men were wearing ordinary lounge suits and felt, or straw,
hats. Every man and woman was as well dressed as the clerks and stenographers,
who can be seen leaving any office in New York every evening. The explanation is
that workpeople would be ashamed to be seen on the streets in their working clothes,
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 78
and consequently change before commencing and after finishing work. They keep
overalls or old clothes at the factory, and they appear outside dressed like any other
American citizen. The clogs, the shawls, the mufflers, the corduroy and other
working suits, which can be seen in a Lancashire cotton town every weekday, are
unknown in America. In the States, democracy and equality are not things which
largely exist in spirit; they are something tangible and real. The American-born
workman has more in common with his employer than a mere vote; he dresses like
him, he talks like him and he behaves like him. In other words, the line of
demarcation between employer and employee is very much less pronounced in
America than in the old countries of Europe. In the absence of class distinctions and
in the equality of opportunities lie two of the great secrets of American success in
It is almost impossible to produce evidence to show to what extent people are
moving upwards in the scale of society, and an investigator is obliged to content
himself with ascertaining the opinion of those best qualified to judge of such matters,
in addition to any personal inquires he may make. There can be little doubt that a
workman stands a better chance of improving his position in America than in
Europe. This is partly accounted for by the fact that the former is a much newer
country than the latter, and that it is developing much more rapidly, in consequence
of which the opportunities are greater for displaying the ability, the energy and the
initiative which mark a man as fitted to occupy the higher positions in industry and
commerce. Another important factor is the comparative absence of class distinctions
in the States, which enables a man to improve his position not only financially but
socially, and this factor is doubly powerful in that its significance is clearly grasped
by the working classes. In Europe there is a tendency for people to consider
themselves as born in a certain sphere, and to fear that they will be regarded as
presumptuous if they seek to rise above it. Probably it is the absence of appreciation,
if not the absolute discouragement, which they receive from their fellow workers,
quite as much as the possible antipathy of those whose ranks they may wish to join,
which deters working men from striving to improve their position. We are all very
much the slaves of custom and convention, and dislike finding fault with the
conditions and surroundings under and among which our fathers and mothers were
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 79
content to live. Parents have a tendency to say, what was good enough for them is
good enough for their children, and in this contention they have practically the
unanimous support of their friends. Thus young people are too frequently brought
up to regard their present position as proper and right, if not as inevitable, and it is
the absence of the wish to rise, as well as of the opportunity to rise, which
distinguishes the European from the American working classes.
The facilities for a man to improve his position differ in various industries. In the
Lancashire cotton industry very many of the large employers of labour are self-made
men, and the same is true of the textile machinery business. In all these cases success
was achieved in the days when the lot of the working classes was far rougher than
it is to-day, but when the chances of a capable individual rising from the ranks was
greater than at present. The extension of the joint stock form of management, both
in this country and America, has had an important bearing on this question. I should
be inclined to say that it has made it more difficult than formerly for a workman to
show that he possesses business ability, but easier for a man to rise who has once
proved his business ability. In a limited company there is no one who observes the
employees as closely as a partner or owner of a private concern, and there is less
chance of capable workpeople being marked out for promotion. On the other hand,
it would be wrong to say that there are no opportunities for rising, for very frequently
the position of works manager, or something corresponding to that, is occupied by
a man who has passed through the works. This is especially true in those industries
where a comparatively small theoretical training and little general education are
necessary. Thus workmen stand a much better chance of rising in the cotton trade
than in the engineering industry. In a town like Burnley, a weaver can . rent
accommodation in a shed together with power, and need provide looms only, and
may be able to save or borrow the necessary capital. As the cotton business of
Lancashire is highly developed there will be little difficulty in buying the yarn and
selling the finished cloth.
Once a man has proved his business capacities, the prevalence of the joint-stock
system of management is likely to assist him, because it is not necessary to own
much stock in a concern in order to act as a director; whereas it is usually necessary
for a partner to provide a fair amount of capital. Further, partnerships in many
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 80
concerns are reserved for members of the family of the proprietor.
There is one way at least in which the company form of organisation hinders
individuals from setting up for themselves, though only indirectly, in so far as it has
tended to increase the scale upon which production is conducted. The control of
certain industries appears to have passed into the hands of a few large concerns, and
in those industries the only chance a man has of improving his position, is by rising
within those firms. In America this is probably easier than in England. There large
firms seem to be more on the lookout for capable young men than is the case here.
It is quite common for a man to pass from one kind of business to another, from the
Civil Service to business, or from a profession to business. Because an American has
got on well in one career, that is no reason for not adopting another. This is as true
of the professional and business classes as of the industrial classes. Several
secretaries and assistant secretaries of the United States Treasury have entered
banking houses and trust companies, and these are by no means the only civil
servants who accept positions in commerce. Generally speaking, there can be little
doubt that mobility of labour in America, both vertical and horizontal, i.e.,
movement from a lower to a higher scale in economic life and movement from one
occupation to another within a given sphere of life, is greater than in the old
countries of Europe. As in the case of a workman rising, it is prejudice, as much as
want of facilities, which prevents a European from changing his vocation as easily
as an American. As far as artisans at least are concerned, it may partly be attributed
to the fact that the American workman is less highly skilled than the European,
labour-saving devices taking the place of skill to a considerable extent in the States.
With regard to business men, the explanation appears to lie in the greater recognition
in America of the value of a sound grasp of commerce and industry, quite apart from
a knowledge of the details of any particular business or trade.
In the body of the report mention is made of some aspects of industrial finance in
England and the States. A point of considerable practical importance is the relation
of banks to industry and commerce in the different countries. In some parts of
England, as, for example, in Manchester, the chief manner in which the banks assist
business enterprise is by giving overdrafts to commercial houses. On this system a
bank permits a merchant to overdraw his account to a certain extent, and charges the
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 81
interest daily on the exact amount overdrawn, if any. In the States, a bank makes a
loan to a firm for a definite period, at the end of which the paper has either to be met,
or renewed if the bank is willing.
Both systems seem to offer certain advantages, but the American method tends to
work somewhat hardly in the case of a merchant whose foreign customers get into
temporary difficulties owing to the failure of a crop, etc. This is generally given as
one of the reasons for the comparative failure of the United States to sell in certain
foreign markets. In Germany the large banks do much to encourage business
enterprise by promoting industrial companies, subscribing for shares and by being
represented on the board of directors. In America the banks and banking houses play
a large part in the formation of the syndicates which underwrite issues of industrial
stocks and securities, but seldom have a permanent interest in manufacturing
concerns. In England a manufacturer, as such, obtains comparatively little help from
the banks.
With regard to the second part of the report, in which some attempt is made to
analyse the methods and tactics of modern manufactures, it must be emphasised that
the same sort of development is going on in England as in America. At some places
this has been brought out in the report, but perhaps hardly sufficiently. Whilst the
department store is essentially American there are similar institutions on a smaller
scale in England. On the other hand, the "multiple" firm, with its grocery or other
shops scattered throughout the country, has reached its highest development in the
United Kingdom. In several cases these firms are large producers of the articles they
sell, have their own tea plantations in Ceylon and India, manufacture jams, cakes and
biscuits, and manage large dairy farms. In the same way the big butchering
"multiple" firms do their own importing, even if they do not possess their own
ranches abroad. Another type of retail establishments which plays a very important
part in the industrial towns of the North of England, but which is practically
unknown in the United States, is the co-operative society, which is often a
combination of a department store and a chain of small branch shops.
In what concerns the size of large industrial undertakings, it is probable that
businesses are conducted on a bigger scale in America than in Great Britain, but this
is principally due to the difference in physical conditions. In making any comparison
Douglas Knoop, American Business Enterprise, 82
care must be taken to avoid being deceived by the nominal capitalisation of the
different concerns, as the so-called trusts are very frequently greatly over-capitalised,
though with regard to some of the most successful ones the contrary appears to be
the case.
The same tendency for a manufacturer to perform more than one function is at
work in England as well as in America. The Lancashire cotton industry is highly
differentiated, but, apart from this, there are plenty of examples of integration and
of manufacturers doing their own subsidiary work, whilst many producers of trade
mark goods are combined together in the Proprietary Articles Association to regulate
retail prices.
Although in many ways it is possible to compare English and American conditions,
it must not be forgotten that the economic position of the two countries is
fundamentally different. There is a large industrial element in the United States, but
North America is essentially a great agricultural country, which in addition possesses
enormous mineral wealth. This alone explains why there is no equivalent in England
to some American problems. With regard to labour again, the United States has
especial difficulties of its own. On the one hand, there is the assimilation of the great
hordes of foreign immigrants, and on the other the negro question. Further, the vast
area of the United States as compared with that of the United Kingdom accounts for
many differences between American and English conditions, especially in what
relates to transportation. All comparisons between the economic conditions of the
two countries are subject to important qualifications; nevertheless there is much of
interest to be learnt by an Englishman visiting the United States, and in this report
an attempt has been made to indicate roughly some of the chief impressions received
by the writer during a nine months' stay in America.
1. Trading stamps are bought by shopkeepers in large quantities from Companies
which issue them, And are given to customers, in proportion to the value of
purchases made. When customers have collected sufficient stamps, they return them
to the issuing Company and receive presents in exchange.
2. Census Bulletin 57, Washington 1906, p. 14.
3. Evidence of Mr. Jacob H. Schiff, senior member of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., New York
City, before the State of New York Legislative Insurance Investigating Committee,
1905. Report p. 1,000.
4. For the whole subject of underwriting syndicates see pp. 292–294, vol. vii, of the
Report of the New York Legislative Insurance Investigating Committee, 1905.
5. This is not so true of the South and of the old slave holding aristocracy. By the
above statement I do not wish to imply that all rich northerners do send their sons to
the Common Schools (many preferring boarding schools for their boys), but in any
case there is no prejudice against a boy in the States, merely because he has been
educated at a Common School. There is nothing in an American newspaper which
corresponds to the statement made in English papers about "Board School successes
at Oxford or Cambridge."
6. See J. H. Clapham, Industrial Organisation in the Worsted and Woollen Industries
of Yorkshire, Economic Journal, December, 1906.
7. In this case public opinion was largely excited by the unjustifiable attacks and
wild statements of certain London newspapers, the proprietors of which had
afterwards to pay £50,000 damages to one large firm of soap manufacturers, and
even more to a second.
8. See U.S. Industrial Commission Report, vol. vii., p. 17.
9. For more details about conditions in the English Cotton Industry, see the
Manchester Guardian, March 8 and 12, 1907.
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